Politics Judith Collins vs Jacinda Ardern

Taxcinders election night outfit was only a hijab short of her appearances at the mosque. They are all happy to play the part they think will win a few more votes.
Check it out , Jacinda election night. Flowing full covering outfit I aint never seen worn on any NZ street unless the wearer was Muslim..
Taxcinders election night outfit was only a hijab short of her appearances at the mosque. They are all happy to play the part they think will win a few more votes.
Check it out , Jacinda election night. Flowing full covering outfit I aint never seen worn on any NZ street unless the wearer was Muslim..
I did notice that....... but meh she can wear what she wants.
The outfit was a clear subliminal message ....Sure she can and not one satirical comment about it. Its fine to satire Judith but clearly Taxcinders can do whatever she likes.

Could even have been her back-up plan, election failure. Slide out the back and straight into that UN humanitarian job Helen has planned.
The aftermath. Labour goes centrist. Spends another three years doing nothing about what that said they would do.
I have no idea why people vote for what are clearly fake promises.

On a Sunday political TV show, labours ex president was surprised of the new at ACT MP's quality. Particularly , national shooting champion Nicole McKee.
The ex Pres thought he was unconvinced we should have "machine guns". Illustrating the ignorance and arrogance of those that drafted the ill thought through law. No-one could easily get machine-guns much less only a rare few were interested in owning them. Or the term machine gun was just an arrogant dog whistle either way the ignorance and arrogance is proven.
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Preliminary results from the two referenda

Yes to Euthanasia
No to legalised marijuana

The legalised dope vote is reasonably close so there is a chance that special votes (not yet counted) may affect the final outcome.

at least you get a referendum on these things - all we got was Brexit

UK could do with one on Euthanasia/drugs/death penalty
at least you get a referendum on these things - all we got was Brexit

UK could do with one on Euthanasia/drugs/death penalty
There's always the option to move to Switzerland, only that you won't understand a single word of what they're saying even if you learn to speak German like Bismarck himself and become a citizen. Trust me, I've been to Zürich, I know...
There's always the option to move to Switzerland, only that you won't understand a single word of what they're saying even if you learn to speak German like Bismarck himself and become a citizen. Trust me, I've been to Zürich, I know...
I worked in Germany for about 10 years on and off - so my Jerman was reasonably good - I know what you mean about Switzerland:)
Last night on TV - Taxcinder came out hard on super market oligarchy,.. gonna look into gouging suppliers and rorting buyers.
Trash came out hard on camper vans and their low life econo tourist occupants, I'm gonna do ahhhh ummm something to make them pay more.
Cops still getting shot at despite their rigorous gun grab , the police rep thinks enough is enough and its time to get tough on gangs.
They decided to make masks compulsory on large public transports, a year after it began and a few months away from vaccine. Better late than never reaction time from Labour.
All wind and not much sail.
Worth asking but which areas/cities of NZ are the most hit by crime and gangs?

New Zealand was (probably still is) seen as a mostly safe heaven, with very few murders per capita and taking your low population into account.

Quite honestly I am a bit surprised cops get shot at over there as if we were talking Chicago or Baltimore.

IIRC, I asked this before but many gangs seem to be an import from those bikers in Australia.
Aussies been unkindly sending over anything with NZ DNA and a crim record or gang connection. This selection process appears to be accurate, according to Labour these degenerates are responsible for the present crime wave.
Auckland being the shooting capital with any provincial gang affiliates liable to fire wildly under the usual influence of meth.
Aussies been unkindly sending over anything with NZ DNA and a crim record or gang connection. This selection process appears to be accurate, according to Labour these degenerates are responsible for the present crime wave.
Auckland being the shooting capital with any provincial gang affiliates liable to fire wildly under the usual influence of meth.
And as usual the Police union think a gun register will fix it.......?‍♂️
The Police Union have never heard of this advanced piece of technology called an Angle Grinder...
Aussies been unkindly sending over anything with NZ DNA and a crim record or gang connection. This selection process appears to be accurate, according to Labour these degenerates are responsible for the present crime wave.
Auckland being the shooting capital with any provincial gang affiliates liable to fire wildly under the usual influence of meth.
we sent all ours to Aus :rolleyes:
Taxcinder signed NZ up for carbon nuetral 2050? The bean counters figure thats 16% of the economy gone annually for the next 100 years.
Apparently more in National holdouts voted for Taxcinder.
Farms getting subdivided into small blocks explains that neatly. One farm vote converts to a hundred small block votes. The urbanites heading to the idyllic country and taking their philosophies with them. Complaints about the smell of the neighboring farms sheep are not unheard of.
Taxcinder thinking that farmers have voted for her is a truly misinterpreted day dream.

Out of hundreds of @realfarmers I've spoken to in the last year non indicated a liking of Taxcinder.