As Israel commemorates the 50th anniversary for the War of Attrition, which followed the Six Day War and lasted years, the National Library revealed a series of rare historical pictures that revive the lost moments of a war often forgotten.
The pictures show IDF soldiers in the Suez Canal going about their daily business, meeting commanders and hosting entertainment events with famous performers who traveled from Israel's center.
IDF soldiers in the Suez Canal, 1970 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Performers visit troops in Suez Canal, 1969 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Suez Canal, 1969 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Soldiers near the Canal, 1970 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Performing for a hand full of troops in Sinai, 1969 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Major General Shlomo "Chich" Lahat, later eigth mayor of Tel Aviv, with his troops(Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Chief of Staff Haim Bar-Lev visits troops in Sinai, 1970 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Ariel Sharon and Shlomo Lahav in Sinai, 1970 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
The IDF in Suez, 1970 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library )
Dahn Ben-Amotz, radio broadcaster, journalist, playwright, author, performs for troops in Sinai, 1969 (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library)
IDF soldiers in Sinai (Photo: Dan Hadani Collection, National Library)