Happy Thanksgiving!


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Apr 8, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans and to all of those who celebrate Thanksgiving on this day. To those that don't, have a happy day for any reason that you choose with lots of food and drink! After all, any day should be a good day for food and fun!
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans and to all of those who celebrate Thanksgiving on this day. To those that don't, have a happy day for any reason that you choose with lots of food and drink! After all, any day should be a good day for food and fun!
I blame those idle Pilgrims :rolleyes:
I'm thankful for a lot of things. Toward top of the list is being retired and spending holidays with my family no matter what.
And just for fun...

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans and to all of those who celebrate Thanksgiving on this day. To those that don't, have a happy day for any reason that you choose with lots of food and drink! After all, any day should be a good day for food and fun!
You know we lost, just to avoid this, dont you?

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving, may your day get better as it gets shorter.

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