We’re in an odd situation, where about 65% of the country disapprove of the President yet he’s likely getting re-elected next year anyway.
He managed to destroy the more traditional parties i.e, the Socialists which have spawned Presidents like Mitterand and Hollande (sigh) and the Républicains, with figures like Chirac and Sarkozy (double sigh). Forty years of about the same, with some subtle differences.
Macron (almost) came out of nowhere in late 2016 even though he was in Hollande’s government but the general public barely heard of him. Considering Hollande’s unpopularity he didn’t even seek a second tenure and Macron started his own party. The rest of you know the rest of the story. Not that bad a start, France wins the World Cup in Russia, he’s inviting Trump to Bastilles day parade and have dinner up the Tour Eiffel.
So far so good, then the “carbon tax” and the yellow jackets movement which left him and his administration a big scar which he tried to heal for many months to this day.
Macron like the rest of us do watch and follow the news and the oddity of his high chance of being re-elected make me sure he’s going to run again.
Marine Le Pen is certainly suffering the Zemmour momentum, in recent polls anyway, because many of her voters and base think she polished and tamed her party a bit too much, and it’s not working.
A pretty divided country, but leaning more right wing by the day. All things considered, Zemmour, Le Pen and Bertrand would gather almost half of the votes, the rest is bread crumbs for the greens and socialists, at least a good thing. Macron is pretty opportunistic so he’ll find the right words (no pun intended) to appease and try to gain some right wingers votes too.