Photos F-4 Phantom II Paradise

F-4D 81st TFW seen taxiing out one Saturday morning out of RAF Bentwaters on their way to a TDY at Sigonella.

The difference between the UK F4 and the US F4 and UK F4s were the UK's were fitted with Re Heated Rolls Royce Spey engines - part of the off set to UK companies to make them affordable - In the end the British F4s were the most expensive and least performant F4
F-4J-34-MC Phantom II (BuNo 155768) from Fighter Squadron VF-143 Pukin´ Dogs launching from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise in 1973. 155768 was shot down by flak while pulling off a target 20 km NW of Quang Tri, Vietnam on 27 January 1973.

CDR Harley Hall, CO of VF-143 was lost on that mission, he was also the CO of the Blue Angels. Sadly he was one of the last casualties of the Vietnam War.
A pair of German-owned F4F Phantom IIs fly over New Mexico during a training sortie.

The German F4Fs have U.S. markings because they were stationed at Holloman AFB (for the better weather and ranges). Both U.S. and German instructors manned the unit, the 20th Fighter Squadron.