Colombian Kfirs
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Our Bicentennial Heroes of the Special Communications Brigade greet Colombians reaffirming their commitment to the Homeland.

«Science, mastery and vigilance»
Colombian Special Forces Soldier


Anywhere in the national geography is the Aviation of the National Army of Colombia being support and mobility for our Bicentennial Heroes
Soldiers who will continue to fulfill their mission for the security and defense of the homeland
Assisted demining starts in Bojayá, Chocó

The commander of the Seventh Army Division, General Juan Carlos Ramírez Trujillo, announced that he has already started the Assisted Demining, a pilot program that has not been used in any other territory.

This will start in Pogue, Bojayá district, with 90 men, 30 security and 60 doing this decontamination. The mission is carried out with EXDE groups, which are specialized teams in handling these explosive devices.

The first step is a baseline to establish what the degree of threat exist. Subsequently the intervention with the EXDE groups.

Work and information with the community will be the most important. This work is also done with the office of the High Commissioner for Peace.

Source: Colombian National Army


Taking into account that the Colombian Air Force is part of the National System for Disaster Risk Management and in accordance with the Colombian Geological Service -SGC- and the Manizales Vulcanological and Seismological Observatory, an overflight was carried out in the Nevado del Ruíz Volcano , in order to track a dome located at the bottom of the Arenas crater that has evolved since 2015.

From a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter of Combat Air Command No.5 and thanks to the optimal weather conditions of the day, the crew fulfills the surveillance and recognition mission, allowing access to a volcano that is located at 5,321 meters above the sea level, where experts observed the processes and superficial changes presented by the crater. “An inspection was made to the crater of the Nevado del Ruíz Volcano, where we wanted to verify the presence of changes in the crater, associated with the activity of the volcano during the last nine years, this support provided by the Colombian Air Force is of vital importance since which allows access to hard-to-reach areas, allowing complementary revisions to the SGC volcanic monitoring and research network in 23 volcanoes of the national territory, ”said Cristian López, volcanic monitoring and research coordinator in Colombia.

This important mission is carried out with SGC-on-board scientists, who in coordination through the National Force Personnel Recovery Center and the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management and with technological equipment monitor the volcano's behavior, allowing a periodic record of your activity. Its Colombian Air Force maintains full enlistment in order to meet any requirement that allows providing updated information on the behavior of the volcano, thus contributing to the study of natural resources and their threats.

Source: Colombian Air Force

Tolemaida Army Fort is an international showcase of military training, The Colombian Army received Admiral Craig Faller, commander of the Southern Command of the United States, Major General Daniel Walrath, commander of the South Army, and his staff, who knew the strategic capabilities of the Colombian National Army, in the company of our commander, Mr. General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro Altamiranda.
From the sinai peninsula in Egypt representing the battalion Colombia # 3 multinational force & observers, many nations, one force and all united for peace.

I was privileged to have served in Sinai with COLBAT at North Camp. Very impressive soldiers that I enjoyed being around.
I was privileged to have served in Sinai with COLBAT at North Camp. Very impressive soldiers that I enjoyed being around.

Thanks and thank you for your service. How was your real impresion with the Colombians
Ok, first impression was that they all seemed very short.
However, ”impressive” is still the word that comes to mind. I am an infantry leadership instructor and I can tell you myself and my peers were definitely impressed by the individual soldier skills of the COLBAT soldiers we met in Sinai.
Ok, first impression was that they all seemed very short.
However, ”impressive” is still the word that comes to mind. I am an infantry leadership instructor and I can tell you myself and my peers were definitely impressed by the individual soldier skills of the COLBAT soldiers we met in Sinai.

COBAT is the Colombia´s Battalion ?
M.F.O. abbreviation for the Colombia contingency.
These three BATs where moving throughout Sinai as observers and security for the MFO.

I know for stories that there is an annual competition inside the MFO and with this military observers right ???

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