Politics CNN Exposed for what they are !!!! Project Veritas Exclusive

colin traveller

Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Mar 8, 2018
It's not as if we never knew the bias they continually spewed towards Trump . Now it's been fully expose for all to see .

And notice the obvious between the CNN whistleblower and the person who proclaims to be a whistleblower who made up lies about Trump's Phonecall ..

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It's not as if we never knew the bias they continually spewed towards Trump . Now it's been fully expose for all to see .

And notice the obvious between the CNN whistleblower and the person who proclaims to be a whistleblower who made up lies about Trump's Phonecall ..

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It's been blatantly obvious that CNN and others are not just "resisting" Trump, as unethical and unprofessional that would be as journalists, they are active participants in trying to overthrow Trump. Pretty shocking, but not surprising. These people consistently underestimate the intelligence and life experiences of the American people, which is one reason CNN has so few viewers and is kept on life support by it's parent company, ratings and declining advertising revenue be damned. How else can a business survive that consistently lies to it's customers and thinks nothing at all of pissing off half of them constantly?
It's been blatantly obvious that CNN and others are not just "resisting" Trump, as unethical and unprofessional that would be as journalists, they are active participants in trying to overthrow Trump. Pretty shocking, but not surprising. These people consistently underestimate the intelligence and life experiences of the American people, which is one reason CNN has so few viewers and is kept on life support by it's parent company, ratings and declining advertising revenue be damned. How else can a business survive that consistently lies to it's customers and thinks nothing at all of pissing off half of them constantly?

Does Ted Turner still own that Network ?? If not who does ?
« Project Veritas »...

Like anything on the internet, approach with a skeptical eye. An early pro third wave feminist, Naomi Wolf, who was an advisor to President Clinton, spoke publicly back in the 90's about targeted domestic propaganda. Today, with the ability to publish content in near real time open to anyone with access to the internet, it's the wild west of narratives.

We probably all remember the story about the white kid and the American native which nearly all medias reported wrong and left out a part of the video where the Native is the one invading the red hat kid space and got up to him, only to have the kid stood up to his ground.

Journalists despite their claims have long lost the « fact-checking » thing. It’s up to who write the story faster and publish it.
Project Veritas credibilty : 0.0
Already caught red handed forging things, emitting blatant lies and got sued and found guilty because of that
Using project Veritas as a way to show other people are lying is like saying that the smell of a sewage spill is better than the smell of a rotten turd
I know some people are desperate to defend El Generalisso but come on, find more credible sources

A whistleblower who has worked with the company for over two years agreed to secretly film in order to expose the bias against the President and conservatives.
In the expose we can see several employees discussing their disdain and concerns over CNN's political bias, violation of journalist integrity, and obsession with Trump.

While many of us knew that CNN was biased for obvious reasons they continue to deny that they are anything but objective reporters. But in the video hard proof exposes Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN, claiming that a legitimate report from Politico is fake news.

These outlets are consuming their own biased spin to the point of thinking their own actually reporting is fake news. This results in an even more twisted and broken world view. Democrats and the far left, being more likely to trust media, end up with the same warped view of reality. That is not to say republicans and conservatives don't end up believing fake news too, it just means that those who rely on large news institutions are increasingly being fed fake news.

In the end we see that CNN is not just driven by ratings but also the ideological drive and perhaps guilt of helping to create Trump by giving him non stop press. But sadly we see the result, the obsession continues much to the chagrin of CNN's own employees.
Again it is funny to see people praising one whitleblower (when he goes in their direction) and despise any other whisleblower (when he goes against their beliefs ..... see all other related topics)
But this is beyond the point. We all know that CNN had a tooth against Trump
That doesn't make the Project Veritas footage more credible. Those guys are the epitome of fake news (they were the one launching the Dem Pizza and pedophilia rigg whispers ..... among other things)
If you want to prove something or make a point, prove it with a credible source, not an agit prop organization already known to forge things.
It's like if Bagdad Bob was complaining about Saoudi propaganda ......

In the end of the day this is ending as fake news vs fake news and the gullibity of the audience
Thing is, it is being corroborated.

Also, the whole "pizzagate" thing was not launched by Project Veritas by originates from 4chan, 8chan and twitter. As a matter of fact neither Project Veritas nor James O'Keefe even touched that conspiracy theory.

Just setting facts straight so we don't have people being accused of things they didn't do.
Thing is, it is being corroborated.

Also, the whole "pizzagate" thing was not launched by Project Veritas by originates from 4chan, 8chan and twitter. As a matter of fact neither Project Veritas nor James O'Keefe even touched that conspiracy theory.

Just setting facts straight so we don't have people being accused of things they didn't do.
My bad about pizzagate

That doesn't remove the fact that Project Veritas is very badly named

As for the whole so called "double standard" concerning "whistleblowers", which is clearly referring to the current "whistleblower" aimed at Trump, there are few things to keep in mind:
-the project veritas one is corroborated and verified.
-the one concerning Trump is partisan for several reasons:
a-worked with Joe Biden.
b-no first hand knowledge.
c-whole process held behind closed doors.
d-complaint established and built with the help and Adam Schiff and his staff.
e-minority is being denied subpoenas.
-the project veritas one is corroborated and verified.

By who ?
You will excuse my suspicion but given the past activities and history of Project Veritas, i am more than suspicious
This organization is very far from neutral both in content, behaviour and funding (Koch brothers)
Regardless of the number of exclamation marks used by Timetraveller, I actually ain't got an issue with biased journalists; it's their right to be biased.
But I do have a problem with them not admitting to their biases. CNN claims to be a premium impartial news source, which they're obviously not.

Having said this, whatever happened to 'do you remember the boy that cried wolf'? Project "Veritas" did get caught attempting to lure the media into publishing fake news about Roy Moore. This, in conjunction with the fact that they've been receiving money from the Koch Brothers and Donald Trump, relegates them to a position hardly better than CNN's in my eyes. Why it doesn't in yours is a mystery to me.
Regardless of the number of exclamation marks used by Timetraveller, I actually ain't got an issue with biased journalists; it's their right to be biased.
But I do have a problem with them not admitting to their biases. CNN claims to be a premium impartial news source, which they're obviously not.

Having said this, whatever happened to 'do you remember the boy that cried wolf'? Project "Veritas" did get caught attempting to lure the media into publishing fake news about Roy Moore. This, in conjunction with the fact that they've been receiving money from the Koch Brothers and Donald Trump, relegates them to a position hardly better than CNN's in my eyes. Why it doesn't in yours is a mystery to me.
Thanks @muck
You wrote it in the way i wanted to express the thing with better clarity and accuracy
Thanks @muck
You wrote it in the way i wanted to express the thing with better clarity and accuracy

Aye. He express things and thoughts in a neutral and balanced way, often like me; which is why I appreciate his posts. I’m tempted to hijack his German flag for a Switzerland ?? one, however.
Why, thank you. Well, trying to see both sides I'm rarely ever opposed to opinions. But I often find myself opposed to the ways opinions are expressed – bogging down discussions, stringing together whataboutism by whataboutism, preventing closure. They are why we're not getting anywhere as societies.

And I will die a premature death of sheer anger about double standards, that's for sure.
Regardless of the number of exclamation marks used by Timetraveller, I actually ain't got an issue with biased journalists; it's their right to be biased.
But I do have a problem with them not admitting to their biases. CNN claims to be a premium impartial news source, which they're obviously not.

Having said this, whatever happened to 'do you remember the boy that cried wolf'? Project "Veritas" did get caught attempting to lure the media into publishing fake news about Roy Moore. This, in conjunction with the fact that they've been receiving money from the Koch Brothers and Donald Trump, relegates them to a position hardly better than CNN's in my eyes. Why it doesn't in yours is a mystery to me.
Generally because the news coverage of Trump here, and probably there, has been 90% negative. Including enduring three years of completely misleading/flat out lies about Trump/Russia collusion to be replaced now with more heavy breathing sinister "bombshells" about impeachment. We're comparing mountains to molehills here. All of the networks are certainly biased, but networks like CNN are not only routinely reporting false and misleading stories like the NY Times and others do, they do it with a zeal and disregard for integrity that's truly jaw dropping. It's a phenomena that requires alternative news sources to flesh out just how lopsided things are.

Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study

Generally because the news coverage of Trump here, and probably there, has been 90% negative.

So because you are unhappy with news coverage of Trump, you find acceptable shitty sources to smear the other side ?

It's a phenomena that requires alternative news sources to flesh out just how lopsided things are.

No need to go further, It answers the question above in fact and justify the existence of "things" like Alex Jones, Breibart and Project Veritas
Here's yet another great example.....and in case you don't know about "the pancakes". Christ Almighty. Obama attended a racist Church so vile Oprah Winfrey couldn't stand it. The Rev Wright married Obama and baptized his kids. No big deal, he wasn't really listening for the 20 years he attended. But who's the racist? Donald Trump, because of a Charlottesville quote that has been twisted and distorted out of context so completely as to be unrecognizable. SMH

Twitter users mock Newsweek over 'Trump stole pancakes' story: 'Impeach!'

When the legend becomes fact you print the legend ...

And this Impeachment nonsense when you deny someone "Senator Gaetz" who is on the committee the right to sit and be there . That alone raises serious questions and suspicions over the validness of the actions by those . Whose only sole aim is to remove a elected person .. because what Trump has achieved the Dems really haven't a hope in heck of winning 2020 .

Look at the Townhall debates not one of them can be viewed with any seriousness they have no content nor depth to show the contenders as genuine Presidential material . The Debates hosted by CNN have been a laughing stock and the recent one that was cringy than watching paint dry .

And look at the response and coverage by the Trump hating media of the Biden situation . If it was Trump and Don Jnr it would be global 24/7 coverage .

Washington attitude towards Trump is like what you see in school .. a very very cliquey .. a group of people who deem themselves to of better standing than that of Trump reality is they have had it so kushy for so long they deem him a threat to there scene . And Biden is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to those in the Senate lining there pockets from dubious deals .

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