What gives you the idea that it is an unprovoked attack? Are you somehow qualified or have frontline information from some mid level signals officer on one side or the other? I'd certainly like to know this essential piece of information you seem to have under your sleeve? The confidence behind some of the posts on this forum is amazing.

All of my latest posts were about Turkey's role in various conflicts in the region, reading my posts properly makes that abundantly clear. So what you are saying is that the Turkish interference in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan were provoked by someone else and are an existential threat to Turkey?
iirc abrams cost about $9mln and t-90 $4mln. Old T-72 price is much lower of couse.
I think suicide drone can be produced at cost below $1mln when produced in big numbers, so any armour is a worth target, but not trucks or MRLS or artillery pieces.
I know about it, but you are not Santa Claus, so you don't sell your stuff abroad, offering domestic prices. If India paid $100mln for 10 drones 11 years ago, I don't believe that Israel sold 50 Harops to Azerbaijan for $5mln each.
i think turkey sold drone from israel,and send free to azerbaijan,if azerbaijan send drone to target t-34,i don't care becaus its from free!
That wasnt the question. Undoubtably the Russian gear is probably easier to operate, and more familiar to the locals. I dont think there are many armchair generals that would take a T90 over an abrams or leo2, if given a free choice.

And all of the points armour, mobility, crew skills, repairability, will feed into the outcome, plus drone support, infantry support etc etc.

The western designers have gone with crew survivability, as has Israel, and logically so has Russia with armata. Which seems to settle the argument.
Not easy to repair when the turret is two fields away - but I do like a challenge :)
All of my latest posts were about Turkey's role in various conflicts in the region, reading my posts properly makes that abundantly clear. So what you are saying is that the Turkish interference in Syria, Libya and Azerbaijan were provoked by someone else and are an existential threat to Turkey?

There's no point in talking about Turkish interventions in a thread on Azerbaijan vs Armenia, but that is your choice.

How are your posts relevant to the question, I'm not seeing anything being made abundantly clear.

Turkish interference in Syria and Iraq has;

1. Pushed the bulk of the conflict outside of Turkish borders.
2. Knocked out the ability for terror groups to carry out their activities within Turkey, rather making them focus on Turkish assets in those two countries. Which was the whole idea, a buffer zone... in case you didn't understand.
3. Kept an additional 3 million refugees from entering the country as neither the society nor the economy... nor the politics for that matter can take anymore.
4. Nevermind the fact Turkish intervention is not unprovoked as per 1998 Adana Agreement signed with Assad Sr. Can you remind me under what agreement with which country justified Dutch intervention in Syria? Because I certainly know the Netherlands has not signed any pre civil war agreements with the Syrian government that allows them to operate their forces over Syrian soil?

The statistics on deaths per year as result of the conflict speaks for itself.

And casualties between 2016 to 2019 (Syria not included in map)

compared to

Casualties between 2019 to 2020 (Syria not included in map)

And Libya;

I don't even need to bother. Fayez al-Sarraj of Libya asked for assistance from Italy, France etc before he accepted Turkish assistance. Had the Europeans not bet on the wrong horse, we wouldn't have needed to discuss Turkish intervention in Libya today. Of course, in your country military intervention is 20 guys in multicam and 2 F-16's going where NATO goes and the local gov really doesn't have any say in the matter so I somewhat understand your confusion.


Both sides have claimed the other shot first, so I ask again... what viable information do you have that proves there was an unprovoked attack on the side of Turkey, or if Turkey has taken any shot at all in the conflict?
Armenian X-55 UAV shot down.

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About the drones. You also have to use them right. It also depends in your adversary. They will be a game changer in the future no doubt with full AI and all integrated etc.etc. But this is costly.

The Harop drone ist being tested by the German Army but it apparently needs to Work in a Sensor Fusion Environment to bei really used sucessfully.

The TB2 is quite a small drone it can only carry aprox 55kg of ordnance at a radius of 150 km. This equals to about 4 Mam C or one L. The Reaper drone in comparison carries aprox 1400 kg.

Amd there are ways of defeating drones especially not so hightech ones.

INDRA and Mainsys for example already offer systems integrated in airports etc. I knowvthey are for small and simple drones but Mainsys can already detect up to 55km away. And its very small can be carried in a suitcase.


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Mainsys can't find the site anymore..
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Azerbaijan has taken 325 sq km of Artsakh, or 2.8%, over the past two weeks
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According Armenanian sources #Karabakh Defense army publishes other 45 names of killed servicemen, total death toll reaches 525 .
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there are 4 countries mentioned in this post.

How are we supposed to keep track?

Whats wrong with good and bad?
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Azerbaijan UAVs hits the Krug radars and OSA SAM systems.

It seems Azerbaijan wanna destroy air defence power of Armenia in Karabagh:

According to published videos over 40 various mobile SAM systems and SAM radar antennas destroyed by now.

Im not expert it could be sign large size of land operation backed by airforce.
I find it really fascinating how this is achieved by the TB2. I mean it has a Rotax 912 engine which enables it to cruise at 70kts and it basically has to fly over the target to hit it. Because its small munitions have a very limited range of about 8 km. All the while staying locked on the target. Puzzling...