In the image, our famous "Dédalo", when he was a helicopter carrier, we observe the different types of helicopters, in the prow the "Apache" of the Seventh Squadron; helicopters of the Second Squadron; the "Hughes" 300 from la Sexta and finally the "Sea Kings" from la Quita, recently decommissioned. In addition, having this ship meant a great advance in our Navy, by having an embarked aerial vector. It was in 1972 when a British "Harrier" landed on its runway, which allowed the "Daedalus" to become an aircraft carrier again, as it was with the name of ""Cabot" in the Pacific during WWII, since the first Harriers baptized in our Navy were bought as "Matador" in 1976. And that, as you know, served in the Navy until 1989. It was our flagship since end of 1975 until June 1988 when the R-11 "Príncipe de Asturias" entered service.... "Dédalo", good service!