Other Post Advice on basic training

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MI.Net Member
Dec 10, 2020
So I DEPed in (cuz I’m 17) into the Marines a couple weeks ago and I’m getting shipped to Basic Training in September 2021. What were your experiences when you got to training and what things do you wish you could’ve told your younger self to do/not to do?
Ears open, mouth shut.
Blend in, don’t be first, don’t be last.
Never, ever, ever[are you listening???] leave your personal weapon. Ever.
Do some PT before you go.
Learn how to iron a shirt and trousers, how to clean a toilet, how to polish shoes.
Make sure your left and right are the same as most other people.
Make sure you only have one girlfriend at a time.[ 2 or 3 sounds good right?, don’t...]
Don’t crash your car, while drunk, enroute to get some fags, then run off from the MP’s.
Don’t play football with your CO, then claim a travel warrant for the same weekend, which he has to sign off.[ = jail time]
Rinse the sink.
Take a sink plug with you.
Use deodorant.
Change underwear at least once a week.
Buy a leatherman.
Enjoy the complete lack of responsibility.
Call your folks.
Take Christmas with your best mate[ numerically he will have a sister]
Sneak a Mars bar into your underwear.
Pay attention to the first aid sessions.
Pay attention to the personal finance sessions.
Take the pension.
Go hard, or go home.
Everyone else is hurting too.
Don't quit.
Never too early to start saving, you don't need most of your pay, squirrel it away.
Find the pros, emulate them, keep away from the sooks who are counting down to their EAS.
Don't buy a car near the barracks on 20% finance...
Don't marry a stripper.
Don't marry a local girl who knows more about military health insurance and housing entitlements than you do.
Just buy a big pump pack of hand cream and leave Suzie Rottencrotch alone. She's bad for your career.
Crack on with PT, stretch, before and after. Don't get hurt.
That's disgusting.
Make sure you then wash your dirty underwear, otherwise your squad will throw your wardrobe out of a third floor window...........

We had been to a funeral for one of our squad - cancer, very young.

No-one said a word to us about this incident, a new wardrobe appeared, and the upside was the guy found out where the washing machines were.
One thing I certainly remember is back when I enlisted, I asked a number of questions to the soldiers that did their basic training about six months before like the OP just did.

Their answer? “Dude, no one told me what to expect then, go ahead, keep it in your pants. Shut your mouth and do what they tell you to do”.
So I DEPed in (cuz I’m 17) into the Marines a couple weeks ago and I’m getting shipped to Basic Training in September 2021. What were your experiences when you got to training and what things do you wish you could’ told your younger self to do/not to do?
issue got solved
issue got solved
Your posts are suspicious, stating your age is 17 yet your account profile says 35? And you're wanting to enlist in the USMC but you are currently in UAE?

This is the 3rd profile I have seen recently that have had a last post from the OP of "issue got solved"

Erring on the side of caution for our members, you can take a hike gif,003
"I fart in your general direction, your mother was a hamster and your father ate elderberries"
If this individual couldn’t last more than a couple days on this forum, I suppose his military career will be a very short one as well.

I was suspicious since the beginning. Those kind of posts always make me wonder a bit, especially if the user isn’t smart enough to hide his location and flag and start bullshitting us about enlisting in the USMC while being a Kenyan or living two days later in UAE.

Cold case, thanks @BravoZulu.
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