Photos Turkish Military Forces

192. Filo Tigers
Medical aid supplies to be used against COVID19, will be delivered to the US officials by an TurAF A400M aircraft.
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In Nevşehir Gendarmerie Horse And Dog Training Center Command, (JAKEM) with the participation of 16 trainees, the 15th period Equestrian Main Course was completed successfully.
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The C-130's, called "Hercules" used for many years by the Turkish Armed Forces in many missions and now, they're equipped with the latest technology with the "Avionics Modernization Program" called "Erciyes Modernization". 19 C-130's are being upgraded to these new systems in the 2nd Air Maintenance Factory Directorate. In the end of this modernization, the Hercules will have close capability to the A400M.
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How many A400's are you now flying? how many will you acquire in total... also nice pictures of the H models Herks being refurbed, so they got new glass cockpits as well? my Dad was an IP in the 130, he flew the A model in Okinawa, returned to Sewart AFB Tennessee, then we moved to Little Rock AFB, Arkansas where the school house remains to this day..

They got the leading edges off between the engines so they must be installing FADEC or something similar, electronic engine management??
How many A400's are you now flying? how many will you acquire in total... also nice pictures of the H models Herks being refurbed, so they got new glass cockpits as well? my Dad was an IP in the 130, he flew the A model in Okinawa, returned to Sewart AFB Tennessee, then we moved to Little Rock AFB, Arkansas where the school house remains to this day..

They got the leading edges off between the engines so they must be installing FADEC or something similar, electronic engine management??

Like I said all of the 19 C-130 Hercules of the TurAF service have already received Erciyes modernization with new digital avionics which was the main goal of the programme. For the late updates like FADEC I have no clue.

As for the A400M total 10 aircrafts ordered and 7 of them received so far. The original deal for the TurAF was signed for the 26 aircrafts but the unpredicted increase on the programme cost drastically decreased the TurAFs numbers like other customers of the platform. I guess they will go on with the An-188 which they also signed a deal for the joint production of some major parts in Turkey. Also they have to replace the aging KC-135R Stratotankers in upcoming decade and Antonov offering a solution to modifiy the An-188 with refueling boom to be used as tanker aircraft as well...

Hakurk region Northern Iraq

As It's shared on this topic before, I have to state again that this photo is not taken from Iraq nor the guy on the photo is an actual soldier. This photo is taken as a part of a promotion shots of a Turkish boot producer called Vaneda and that's all. But some folks like to share it in social media that way bcs ıt looks cool enogh to fool people who do not have any clue on gear and quipment issused by actual units.

And please check out the previous pages before post anything, most of your photos have already shared on the previous pages of this topic...
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As It's shared on this topic before, I have to state again that this photo is not taken from Iraq nor the guy on the photo is an actual soldier. This photo is taken as a part of a promotion shots of a Turkish boot producer called Vaneda and that's all. But some folks like to share it in social media that way bcs ıt looks cool enogh to fool people who do not have any clue on gear and quipment issused by actual units.
Thanks for the update @DENO , I checked the image out and you're correct. I have deleted the image from the thread;)

This is the 1st Commando Brigade (paratroopers) from Kayseri in 2013. You can see the full albume form here.

And these are the Isparta Commando School cadets in 2017. Again you can reach the full albume from here.

This is the 1st Commando Brigade (paratroopers) from Kayseri in 2013. You can see the full albume form here.

And these are the Isparta Commando School cadets in 2017. Again you can reach the full albume from here.

So how does it work in the Turkish Army? Each corps or a field army has a brigade of commandos directly subordinated to it?
So how does it work in the Turkish Army? Each corps or a field army has a brigade of commandos directly subordinated to it?

Currently Turkish Land Forces has 13 separate commando brigades. Each of them is consisting btw 3.000-5.000 personnel and located in the different parts of the Turkey. All commando brigades are receiving their basic commando training from Isparta Mountain & Commando School Command and continue their advanced trainings at the regions their brigades are positioned. In different from the others the 1st Commando Brigade also receiving static line paratrooping and HALO/HAHO training which is not mandatory for the rest of the commando brigades. Apart from the Land Forces Gendarmerie also has 2 commando brigades and 14 special mission battalions called as "JÖH", who are professionalized on urban warfare, inter-border security and COIN operations at the specific regions they are located and also the Navy's Amphibious Infantry Brigade (marines) can be considered as their commando unit.
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Currently Turkish Land Forces has 8 separate commando brigades. Each of them is consisting btw 3.000-5.000 personnel and located in the different parts of the Turkey. All commando brigades are receiving their basic commando training from Isparta Mountain & Commando School Command and continue their advanced trainings at the regions their brigades are positioned. In different from the others the 1st Commando Brigade also receiving static line paratrooping and HALO/HAHO training which is not mandatory for the rest of the commando brigades. Apart from the Land Forces Gendarmerie also has 2 commando brigades and 14 special mission battalions called as "JÖH", who are professionalized on inter-border security and COIN operations at the specific regions they are located and also the Navy's Amphibious Infantry Brigade (marines) can be considered as their commando unit.
Thanks for the info!
Few random shots





Medical supplies to the international military personnel from Spain, Hungary, Qatar and Kosovo who are deployed at the Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-12 at 14.45.25.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-12 at 14.45.24 (1).jpeg

Training and maintenance activities of the Land Forces




Joint patrols with the Russian MP over M4 highway in Syria





Army EOD members search and sweep missions for the hidden ammunition and weapons in Hakurk, Northern Iraq.




Second batch of medical supplies to Macedonia has been transformed with a TurAF CN-235 cargo aircraft




The most expensive recon vehicle ever made I have to say...

Army EOD members search and sweep missions for the hidden ammunition and weapons in Hakurk, Northern Iraq.






Farewell ceremony for the lost crew of the Canadian Navy helicopter with the other elements of the NATO SNMG-2 task force.







The most expensive recon vehicle ever made I have to say...
I don't know, the UK and US procurement process seems to be all about how expensive things can be made. Seems like a good idea integrating systems into existing platforms rather than sinking millions into developing a brand new platform. Is there any info on this particular set up?
I don't know, the UK and US procurement process seems to be all about how expensive things can be made. Seems like a good idea integrating systems into existing platforms rather than sinking millions into developing a brand new platform. Is there any info on this particular set up?

That is one of the modernized M-60TM Fırat Sabra main battle tanks of the Turkish Army service as it shared on the previous pages. The Fırat modernization is focused on the increase reaction time and survivability of the M60 Sabra tanks which were originally modernized by Isarel. It includes aselsan ADOP EO target designator & laser rangefinder system which enables the tank to look out while positioned into a trench without taking risk to hit by an ATGM like you see from the photo. The other items came with the modernization were new APU unit, aselsan TULS laser early warning sensors, aselsan ADIS driver day & night cameras, aselsan Sarp 12.7mm remote controlled weapon station, aselsan Pulat active protection system and 360 degree field observation goggle for the commander.

This concept is quite efficent to increase the general survivability of the tanks used in COIN operations like we used in Syria and Iraq. But my main concern was that they act too late to implement it, during the early operations conducted btw 2016 to 2018 they have lost around 15 tanks because ot the ATGMs in Syria.

Eventhough aselsan offered another solid modernization as Leopard 2NG to with the same components and add-on armour to update Turkish Army's Leopard 2A4s in 2011 they also waited to suffer field losses before deciding to to impement it in 2019. And now we are relying on around 165 units of modern M60TM Fırat-Sabra and 334 units of "realtively modern" Leopard 2A4s to cover our troops in Syria due to the recent problems faced by the serial production of Altay MBT.

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