Photos My Modelling Years

...the first rail gun brought out in kit form,I knew I would have to build one sooner or later for a client!! A pic of an Achilles,quite an old model this!


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...two m47s,Italery I think,one in standard Army olive and the other in Tiger motive.


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...a couple of Tiger Is at my first show and competition here on the Island,one is the standard Tiger I and the other one is a Tiger I Recovery.


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    1.9 MB · Views: 175 is the truck that got lost behind enemy lines,the cab is from the LRDG truck grill filled in of course,roof is from a steel cab Deuce and a half as is the rest of the truck except for the front axle with is from the parts box,the netting is gauze and the heche strips is dark green create paper found in a second hand store!


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...I did a series of British vehicles in the tri-colour desert camo,the vehicles under the makeshift netting tent are a Sherman,a Grant,a Grant Recovery and a Stuart Command Kangaroo. There was one more,Montgomery's Caravan which was scratchbuilt but was too much for the base!


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...a carrier in a small convoy approaching the front,sign says''STOP,go any further and jerry will give you this command''!!


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    159.7 KB · Views: 169,this ones pretty old,a Firefly and the scene is called ''I see you''!!


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...a German benzine depot in Russia.


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...two m47s,Italery I think,one in standard Army olive and the other in Tiger motive.
Brilliant work, sa always! I really enjoy this thread!

BTW: I do not want to be the "nit picking a**hole"...but the tank done in the tiger motive paint scheme is an M26.
...something of a tidbit that is as an old school modeller I had to invent stuff to use rather than using paint all the time which to my recollecting didn`t always look right one of the things being rust,granted a lot of Allied vehicles weren`t in the war long enough to acquire huge amounts of rust but the AXIS vehicles were even in the desert. Yes I know back in the 70s and 80s there were alcohol mixs of rust and humbrul paints of rust but none realy did it for me unless I was building brailscale trains,we`ve all done that!! So what you do is go wash some dishes with one of those steelwool and soap pads,leave it dry out for a few days put it into a little tube and WAAHOO,you have rust for a year at least!! I used to paint the exhaust and the tracks and rusty bits and use a q-tip to apply,worked for me! Here is a Panzer III with rusty bits,kinda sounds like Monty Python don`t it!!


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Brilliant work, sa always! I really enjoy this thread!

BTW: I do not want to be the "nit picking a**hole"...but the tank done in the tiger motive paint scheme is an M26.
...''WHO THE HELL SLIPPED AN M26 INTO MY LOT''?? ...THANKS mate,gettin old sucks!!
...this is all I can find of my Dragon Wagon pulling a Super Pershing on deck. From what I could find out there where two super pershings fabricated in the field and the trailer was heavily modified for the weight,and they weren`t transported very far to the front.
...another tidbit for all you modellers out there in model land,you all probably know how long this gun barrel is right,well this barrel was turned on a Navy lathe if you can imagine the size of those kinds of metal lathes!!
...this one is a Stuart Command vehicle...


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...When the internet first came online I met two brothers from Calgary whose Father happened to be in the Canadian Tank Corp. with Valentines. The funny thing was the crews didn`t call the other one an Archer and they had both,they were all called Valentines! This one is straight from a wartime photo in the North African desert.


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...some things never change even at the front lines...Observation Post!


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...Canadians at the Schelt in Holland...Buffalo with an Orliken Gun mounted on the upper deck. Gun is scratchbuilt.


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...a rest stop in a small village which just so happens to have an open French tavern.The tavern building was found in a thrift store and if you look a certain way you can see through to the other side and is completely finished inside,all I did was furnish the owner on the steps,bushes are from a craft store and wrought iron fencing is from the Christmas Village Collection.


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...up from the beaches and moving inland!!


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...a ''Winter Stuart'',this was a first time try at washed out winter camo fime brush style!


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...a Russian Highway,lovely scenery!!


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