Photos Ukrainian Military

Oleksandr Mikitjuk forever 19. Succumbed to his wound on April 30th, 2018. 95th Airborne Brigade.

Due to the contract signed with the Ukrainian Interior Ministry for 55 Airbus Helicopters do you believe that there will be an assets transfer of the now Border Guard Mi 8 helicopters to the army?

Yes, I do. This has been discussed extensively in Ukrainian media. That being said, MoD wants Super Pumas for Special Forces and Medevacs.
A little bit of everything.


Ukrainian UAVs.


Early May, this has become a Ukrainian "tradition" CT Team Alfa is being deployed to the port city of Odessa.


Homecoming ceremony for one of the units.

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Long range raid, ambush and counter ambush actions. Essentially, bread and butter of the Ukrainian armed forces, and they did well during this exercise against and American and later on American - Georgian combined units.
Combined Resolve X

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Is there a report from the US side? According to the Ukrainian media, Ukrainian troops are kicking a$$. the issue at hand is that Ukrainians portray "opfor", essentially playing the role of the "Russians". This time US forces recon failed to uncover Ukrainian positions even after the use of UAVs. The US unit got ambushed and destroyed, "losing" all of its armor in the process. At this point, Ukrainians went off-script and conducted a counter attack defeating the main portion of "blue force", but "suffering" heavy losses as well.

Judging by the comments of senior ranking US officers, Ukrainian officers on a tactical level can process information much faster then their NATO counterparts and are more aggressive. It's like an "on" swirtch, if the Ukrainian units repulses enemy attack with a few losses on its own, it immediately conducts a counterattack.
Another boastful report from Ukrainians from Combined Resolve, but it sort of confirms what I was suspecting. Ukrainian OpFor was finally "destroyed" by an artillery strike, but not before repulsing attacks for 48 hours and knocking out "blue force" armor. According to the Ukrainians, the Western forces are trained completely differently. Ukrainian armored crews are primarily taught to take on other tanks. Ukrainian infantry, given vulnerability of Ukrainian armor is essentially tasked with its protection on the battlefield against ATGMs. US tanks crews according to the Ukrainians are trained to support infantry in mop-up operations. According to the Ukrainians, the biggest flaw that they witnessed so far in NATO training is that individual tanks while well coordinated with an infantry squad cannot coordinate neither offensive nor defensive actions with each other to say nothing of massive "tank rushes".

Will see how Ukrainians will do in the "urban environment"

^^ I was hoping to hear of the battle experience of the Ukraine forces being used to good effect at this exercise. Glad to see "opfor" handing out some lessons, I only hope that the US/NATO command takes it on board and grabs the chance to use the Ukraine experience to develop and upskill their forces.

However, from personal experience (albeit many years ago) the US tends to consider any "defeat" in exercise scenarios to be a "one off" and/or "just luck" and continue on their merry way. The US "head shed" don't like having their well laid training doctrines to be challenged by "outsiders"

Just my 2/-;)
That last statement is true years ago and may still be true today. I know the US forces will learn a lesson from this "Defeat".

..also.. In most training scenarios with foreign nations the US seldom puts all it's cards on the table.

Kudo's to the Ukrainians. They must have exploited a weakness they discovered in US defences.
Once again, I would like to see a report from the informed party other than the Ukrainian one. The biggest issue that I see is how this narrative going to be perceived in Russia: "Ukrainian peasants beat US forces can you imagine what we'll do to the Yankee hordes?!".
Problem here is that nobody know scenario of exercise, forces, support etc. Long time ago some poles were saying that PT91 is superior to Leopard because it destroyed Leo's on exercise, few years ago indians were saying that their pilots and planes are better because they won against british typhoons(, even romanians claimed(there were rumors) that they were destroying M1 Abrams with T55/TR85. Strange thing is that NATO have exercises every year and there are almost no rumors about who won, who killed how many etc and then ukrainians(or whoever) come and make official statements about exercise with details about loses etc. For me, to be honest it looks like lack of professionalism or/and exEastBlock country who changes to the West(like Poland in 90's, early 2000's and rumors about Pt91 and Leo) and need to show that they are better. If they did what they said, thats very good but they shouldn't make it public, HQ for sure draw conclusions, talk about it, share their opinions but in closed group.

I hope i didn't hurt anyone feelings etc, but thats how i feel about it.

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