Photos German Military Photos

A German Eurofighter and a Swedish Gripen fighter aircraft practice cornering in close formation. The pilots coordinate precisely.


(credit photo : Bundeswehr/Stefan Petersen)
Type 212A-class Batch II diesel-electric/AIP attack submarine U-36 (S-186) passing Fehmarnbelt and heading east to participate in the BALTOPS 2024 exercise, June 8, 2024
Braunschweig-class corvette Braunschweig (F260) leaving Kiel, Germany while Elbe-class tender Main (A515) heads in - June 26, 2024

Baden-Württemberg-class frigate Baden-Württemberg (F222) coming into Pearl Harbor - June 26, 2024

Berlin-class replenishment oiler Frankfurt am Main (A1412) coming into Pearl Harbor - June 26, 2024
Luftwaffe en route to Pacific Skies 24 exercise. June/July 2024

The German Air Force is back in the Indo-Pacific region to conduct exercises with its partners – this time together with other European air forces and with the German Navy. The exercises will see the participants practice low-level flights, air attacks, air defense, and air refueling.

Pacific Skies 24 is a combination of several air force exercises, in which the German, the French and the Spanish air forces take part as European nations. There are five parts to the exercise taking part at five different places worldwide. The German Tornado jets will start to join a low-level flying exercise in Alaska. This will be the last showing of the German Tornado fleet on an international stage. Thereafter the Tornados will be joined by eight German and four Spanish Eurofighter plus four French Rafale jets, four German light helicopters, four German, two Spanish and three French A400M transport and refueling aircrafts as well as seven A330 MRTTMulti Role Tanker Transport. They will take part together with the USUnited States in the multinational exercise “Arctic Defender”. This exercise will be led by Germany and serves to train NATO standards.

After that the European partners deploy to Japan, where the German Eurofighter fleet will split up: After refueling and chance of crews five jets will deploy further to Australia together with the French and Spanish crews to take part in the multinational air force exercise “Pitch Black”. The remaining three German Eurofighter jets will stay in Japan to train together with the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) in the exercise “Nippon Skies”. After this historic event – for the first time German fighter jets will train in Japanese air space - these three jets will deploy to Hawaii to train together with the German Navy and international partners in the exercise “Rimpac”. The German-French team in Australia deploys further to India, where the Indien Air Force led exercise “Tarang Shakti Phase 1” will take place.

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