Photos Women In Uniform

Female tank crews of the PLA's ZTQ-15 light tank
let me capture right now!?

Step 1: pack your ruck full with quality Colombian coffee.
Step 2: break into Geo base unarmed and get captured by female MPs.
Step 3: .... ?
Step 4: Profit ( or maybe not - no risk no fun )
Step 5: Don't actualy try that. ?
Step 1: pack your ruck full with quality Colombian coffee.
Step 2: break into Geo base unarmed and get captured by female MPs.
Step 3: .... ?
Step 4: Profit ( or maybe not - no risk no fun )
Step 5: Don't actualy try that. ?
Hi friend! I will follow your instructions to the letter, the Colombian coffee is the easiest! Mil-smile01

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