Article The cold war - Soviet Army

Now I want to share photos of servicemen of the 446th separate mechanized regiment of the USSR Civil Defense Forces. These were military units with their own special specialization. However, despite this, they wore the insignia of the motorized rifle troops. I will tell you about the non-statutory "mess" of emblems in buttonholes and colors of the military branch later. Enjoy the photo for now.


This photo shows a rare armored vehicle, the RM-34. These are machines for radiation and chemical reconnaissance created in the 1950s on the basis of the T-34 tank. After the appearance of new vehicles from the chemical troops, the old RM-34s were sent to the Civil Defense troops, where they served until the 1970s.

Training ground for the Civil Defense troops. These troops were also engaged in the disposal of ammunition that remained after the visit of the Nazis.

Very cool photo. In general, what I was talking about. As you already understood, in the Soviet army there were three main colors of the combat arms. It is red, black and blue. And each branch of the military had its own lapel emblem and its own sleeve emblem. However, it happened that the soldiers changed their lapel emblems according to their specialty, while leaving the color of a kind of troops unchanged. For example, in a motorized rifle regiment, all soldiers had the standard red color of shoulder straps and buttonholes and the emblem of motorized rifle troops - the "cabbage" I have already described, a star in a laurel wreath. But the driver of an armored personnel carrier could easily put tanks in his buttonholes, and a truck driver could put wheels with wings. Here is the photo. All three soldiers are from the Civil Defense Forces. All three soldiers are from the same regiment. But on the left is an ordinary soldier, with "cabbage" in his buttonholes, in the center is the driver, and on the right is an engineer. Moreover, they all have standard red shoulder straps and buttonholes. I hope I have explained this practice clearly and not confused anyone.

Officers at a picnic. Spring picnics in nature are very popular in our country, especially on May weekends. Often picnics are held after mass useful events - like a large-scale cleaning of the territory ("subbotnik") - and are accompanied by cooking meat on a fire - "shashlik". Usually, each team of comrades has its own expert in the preparation of this dish.

This post, by the way, can be attributed to the discussion of the culture of drinking alcohol in the USSR. Foreign propaganda formed a stereotype that Soviet people consumed alcohol constantly and for no reason, although the opposite was common in our country.

Note - sheepskin coats are worn by soldiers, including, not only officers. Apparently, this practice was common in cold areas. Take another photo with the soldiers in sheepskin coats

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I know about sheepskin coats and where they were issued ,but I had seen not much pictures of them with shoulder boards,especially in conscripts use.And most of pictures I saw,was from official state publication.Now I see thay were in use"in the field"
On the technique of the Soviet automobile troops. Here he is, in person - ZIL, his mother, 157.10 tons of pure brutality and testosterone. This beast was produced from 1958 to 1994 and became a real legend both in the army and in peaceful construction. An unpretentious apocalypse machine that can go absolutely everywhere, which is very important in the context of Russian roads.

Cadets of Soviet military schools after graduation received the rank of lieutenant. Depending on the year of study, their uniforms changed, there were many of their own unspoken rules for wearing uniforms. Moreover, the rules varied greatly from one school to another. In some schools, by the way, it was customary to sew velvet cadet shoulder straps to the uniform of the '85 model, "Afghanка".


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