Photos Your latest or Notable purchases

I do not want to bring something specific, I will see what life will bring ... Such souvenirs have the greatest value. I am traveling primarily to stay with my family in the mountains, to wander.
And as for the equipment, I know only one man who bought in Ukraine a copy of the British basha (tarp) in Ukrainian camouflage MM14. He is pleased.
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I just traded my spare 1903/14 Greek Mannlicher for another 577 Snider. I make my own ammo in that caliber & it's a lot of fun to shoot. The old musket is so heavy, recoil is quite mild. This one is from Nepal. There being little petroleum-based grease there, guns were preserved by immersing in yak fat. (I am not making this up!) Say what you will - yak fat is an excellent metal preservative, and the bore was close to pristine. I'll be out to shoot it tomorrow.

These began as muzzle loading muskets that were converted to cartridge by machining the barrel to add a Snider's patent breech block. This one might have been a ready made Snider - I don't see machine marks anywhere.

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I've had this one a while but just came across it while looking for something else. Quite a layer of dust so it's time to take it out & make it smoke again! A 54 caliber "blanket gun" or "pony gun". Plains Indians hunted buffalo with guns like this. The barrel was shortened to make it handier to use horseback. Gallop alongside a speeding buff & park a ball in its spleen... assuming said buff didn't take extreme offense and toss horse & rider on their butt before kicking a mudhole in their behinds & stomping it dry. Buffalo hunting was not without risk.

A close friend made this for me from parts I found online. He then made the stock from a board. Having a length of board left over, he cut a basic shape of a "gunstock war club" which I finished by painting and adding tacks in an appropriate design. I also whacked a large tom turk & used tail feathers as seen. My friend - who makes period flintlock rifles from scratch - also made me the powder horn shown with period engraving.

Rather than the horn, I premeasure powder into old pill bottles and put 3 or 4 in my pocket when hunting. I have whacked trees with the war club, and if you got smacked by one, you would stay smacked! :eek:

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My new toy!
Not the wildest or sexiest computer but perfect for me and my hobbies/games

AMD Ryzen 5 2600 chipset
B450M Gaming Plus motherboard
16GB 2666MHz RAM
GTX1050Ti graphics card
Optical drive
300Mbps wireless adapter
240Gb SSD
Fractal Focus G Mid Tower case
550w power supply
Windows 10
Office 365, 5 device

That's a nice PC mate and plenty powerful for gaming and such like :)
I've had this one a while but just came across it while looking for something else. Quite a layer of dust so it's time to take it out & make it smoke again! A 54 caliber "blanket gun" or "pony gun". Plains Indians hunted buffalo with guns like this. The barrel was shortened to make it handier to use horseback. Gallop alongside a speeding buff & park a ball in its spleen... assuming said buff didn't take extreme offense and toss horse & rider on their butt before kicking a mudhole in their behinds & stomping it dry. Buffalo hunting was not without risk.

A close friend made this for me from parts I found online. He then made the stock from a board. Having a length of board left over, he cut a basic shape of a "gunstock war club" which I finished by painting and adding tacks in an appropriate design. I also whacked a large tom turk & used tail feathers as seen. My friend - who makes period flintlock rifles from scratch - also made me the powder horn shown with period engraving.

Rather than the horn, I premeasure powder into old pill bottles and put 3 or 4 in my pocket when hunting. I have whacked trees with the war club, and if you got smacked by one, you would stay smacked! :eek:

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A few souvenirs from my last trip to the Carpathians. The Soviet canteen is just a pack, the content is important - highlander moonshine on the herbs (wormwood). ;)View attachment 157904

Some nice additions to your collections there

I love this movie mate, watched it dozens of times and I never get tired of it. :)
Winter is coming so I ordered these kits which arrived today. Just in time as it was snowing a lick! I'm still involved with a Takom Hanomag SS100 tractor kit... which has not turned out well. I didn't take time to be sure everything was square so it's not. No pics of that one. :(

I plan to take my time with these - come up with a plan & stick to it! ;)

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I bought some United Nations decals online, a Super Mystere B2 to make it Honduran and the suspenders of my model 1945 backpack of the United States Army, then I will send photos!