I've had this one a while but just came across it while looking for something else. Quite a layer of dust so it's time to take it out & make it smoke again! A 54 caliber "blanket gun" or "pony gun". Plains Indians hunted buffalo with guns like this. The barrel was shortened to make it handier to use horseback. Gallop alongside a speeding buff & park a ball in its spleen... assuming said buff didn't take extreme offense and toss horse & rider on their butt before kicking a mudhole in their behinds & stomping it dry. Buffalo hunting was not without risk.
A close friend made this for me from parts I found online. He then made the stock from a board. Having a length of board left over, he cut a basic shape of a "gunstock war club" which I finished by painting and adding tacks in an appropriate design. I also whacked a large tom turk & used tail feathers as seen. My friend - who makes period flintlock rifles from scratch - also made me the powder horn shown with period engraving.
Rather than the horn, I premeasure powder into old pill bottles and put 3 or 4 in my pocket when hunting. I have whacked trees with the war club, and if you got smacked by one, you would stay smacked!
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