Mil News US welcomes UK troop deployment


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
The US has welcomed a decision by the UK to redeploy troops to central Iraq after it asked for assistance.
Five hundred Black Watch soldiers and 350 support personnel will move from Basra to the US sector in central Iraq, but remain under British control.

US State Department spokesman Richard Boucher praised Britain's support, saying it demonstrated "the kind of role that Britain is prepared to play".

Defence chief Gen Michael Walker said the troops would be home for Christmas.

The redeployment was announced by Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon on Thursday after ministers agreed to the US request, based on a recommendation from Gen Walker.

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I find it quite frightening that even now, in the 21st Century, the phrase, "Home for Christmas" keeps cropping up.
WW1 was to have been over by Christmas and there are countless other examples to be found of this silly phrase. Granted Christmas is a time for families etc etc (commercialism and consumer madness aside) - a soldier is a soldier and is paid to do what he signed on to do. The politicians and the other idiots who are shouting offside and foul (another favourite of the British, the "Sporting Metaphor") are all on the TV. As soldiers the chance to perhaps do what they have been trained to do would be a welcome relief. Granted it is a dangerous place but that is what a war is. I support the BW 100% and know they will acquit themselves well. Perhaps their very last battle honour, thanks again to mealy mouthed twits in Whitehall and the Treasury.

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