**Please disregard the below post if you have already donated to our fund raiser**
OK listen in all you legends of MI.net
@Bombardier has been able to get our site back, pending payment of fees from the server hosts. Said costs are over $3500USD per year
The server costs per year are beyond his ability to continue paying. TBH I never realised how much
@Bombardier was financially contributing for what to him has been a labour of love. I could never have achieved what he has built and over such a long time (20+ years)
This is where the rubber meets the road gentlemen and ladies. We need funds urgently to enable this site to continue.
We are using the "Buy the team a beer" portal on the right hand side of the home pages. You will need to login to the full site to see it, it doesn't appear on the mobile or pad style screen.
Let's get moving lads. Any contribution, every dollar helps.
If you want this site to survive and continue to grow, put your hands in your pockets and pull out your plastic.
My heartfelt thanks to everyone in advance. Thank you brothers❤
PS Militaryimages.net is on Facebook also. Please consider registering there as that pages will be our RP should our efforts fail to save this site ?