Footage of the targeting system of the Russian tracked robotic platform "Veles" in action. The ground drone "Veles" was developed by the design and production company "Novy Rubezh" from the city of Maykop. Earlier, we published spectacular footage of the ground drone-kamikaze "Mole", as it turned out now, this is also their product, it is already actively used by the Russian army. Currently, the robotic complex "Veles" is undergoing tests, the developers are testing automatic target recognition and tracking. Some samples have been transferred to the troops. The robot "Veles" can be equipped with PKM and PKT machine guns, an AGS-17 grenade launcher and an ATGM, and it can be equipped with a machine gun and an ATGM at the same time. Depending on the configuration, the robot "Veles" can also be used to deliver ammunition, provisions, evacuate the wounded. Installation and mine clearing. The robot is equipped with two cameras and a thermal imager. The robot is controlled by the operator using a joystick and an FPV helmet. "Robot Veles" has a good load capacity - up to 400 kilograms and develops a speed of up to 12 km / h. Other technical data and price are still unknown.