According to unofficial information, on November 19 and 20, shots from guided anti-tank missiles were fired at the ZSSW-30 turret.
At the Dęba training ground with the Rosomak IFV, with which one of the three prototypes of the ZSSW-30 system undergoing qualification tests is integrated, a series of shootings dedicated to this Spike-LR2 ATGM system was carried out. During the tests, six missiles were launched in the combat variant. The results of these tests were assessed as "
very satisfactory".
The first firing of the ZSSW-30 turret with standard Spike missiles (as they were then available) was in July 2016, i.e. a year from the start of preliminary tests of the first prototype of the turret. They ended with very good results.
On Thursday's tests at the training ground in Nowa Dęba, the next, after traction tests, phase of turret tests related to testing all three types of turret armament, i.e. ATK 44 Bushmaster II S, UKM 2000 7.62 mm gun and Spike ATK gun, was closed. In this situation, it is quite realistic that the protocols concluding the qualification tests will be prepared before the end of 2020, and that before the beginning of 2021, HSW SA and the Ministry of National Defense will start the phase of trade negotiations, allowing to start final preparations for the commencement of serial production of the turret system.
According to the official information resulting from the concluded contracts, the completion of the qualification tests, which lasted from the end of January, is scheduled for December 2020, the completion of the ZSSW-30 development work should take place in the second quarter of 2021, and the date of commencement of serial deliveries of the towers is 2022. about the first batch of 208 towers, unofficially - by approx. 300. HSW has repeatedly suggested that it is able to significantly accelerate the work schedule.
Secondly - the experience gathered during the work on the ZSSW-30, including the work on the integration of the turret with the ATGM, which is very important for the effectiveness of the entire system, is invaluable in the context of the work that HSW has been carrying out for several months on another, light, open-type turret system, structurally and functionally related to the ZSSW-30. As HSW representatives recently assured us, intensive work on the documentation of this tower is underway, which seems to confirm the assumptions made a few months ago that its prototype may already exist around mid-2021.