Structure of the 17th "Wielkopolska" Mechanized Brigade
- Command and staff - Międzyrzecz
- Battalion of commanders (communication, protection and regulation of traffic, chemical platoon) - Międzyrzecz
- 1st Motorized Infantry Battalion "Ziemi Rzeszowskiej" them. Colonel. Dipl. Benjamin Piotr Kotarba - Międzyrzecz
- 7th Battalion "Strzelców Konnych Wielkopolskich"- Wędrzyn
- 15th "Ułanów Poznańskich" Battalion them. gen. Władysław Anders' - Wędrzyn
- 7th Squadron of "Artylerii Konnej Wielkopolskiej" Artillery (squadron of self-propelled artillery) - Wędrzyn
- 5th "Kresowy" Sapper Battalion in Krosno Odrzańskie
- Anti-aircraft division - Wędrzyn
- Sappers' company - Wędrzyn
- Reconnaissance company "Ułanów Wielkopolskich" - Międzyrzecz
- Logistic battalion them. Colonel. Arnold Szylling - Międzyrzecz
- 17th Medical Collateral Group - Międzyrzecz
- Military fire brigade - Międzyrzecz
In one you have rightly noticed - there are also photos from the previous exercise in my post . My mistake.

The certification exercises for the change to Romania began on March 26, the photo containing the tactical sign was made on March 24.
Wheeled IFV is the Polish variant of the Finnish transporter Patria AMV, called "Rosomak" ("Wolverine" in English). KTO is an abbreviation for "Kołowy Transporter Opancerzony" ("Wheeled Armored Transporter"), which is also not entirely true, because due to the used weaponry it is IFV.