Photos Pictures of Dogs in the Military & Police (K9)

?? Railway Protection Force (RPF)
A German dog hospital (In German: "Hunde Lazarett"), treating wounded messenger dogs (Melde Hunde) coming from the front, ca. 1918.


Dogs had a vital part to play in World War One as the complexes of trenches spread throughout the Western Front. It is estimated that by 1918, Germany had employed 30,000 dogs, Britain, France and Belgian over 20,000 and Italy 3000.
The dogs were positioned in a variety of roles, depending on their size, intelligence and training. Generally, the roles fell into the category of sentry dogs, scout dogs, casualty dogs, explosive dogs, ratters and mascot dogs.
America, at first, did not use dogs except to utilise a few hundred from the Allies for specific missions.
Later, after a chance stowaway, the USA produced the most decorated and highly-ranked service dog in military history, Sergeant Stubby.
National Archive / Official German Photograph of WWIBilderdienst Süddeutscher Verlag.
Eight-year-old Belgian Malinois Mali was part of a British Military unit deployed to Afghanistan in 2012. During his tenure, Mali was deployed to assist in an operation to secure an enemy stronghold, situated in a multi-storey building.

Mali was sent through direct fire on two separate occasions to conduct searches for explosives. He also indicated the presence of insurgents numerous times, giving the assault force vital milliseconds to engage the enemy in close quarter combat.

Mali was seriously injured by three grenade blasts; the first two explosions caused injuries to his chest, front and rear legs. A further blast detonated close to his face, causing the loss of Mali’s front tooth and damage to his right ear.

Mali’s gallantry and devotion to duty makes him a worthy recipient of the PDSA Dickin Medal. His medal was presented by PDSA on Friday 17 November at The People’s Palace, London, just a few yards from the site of PDSA’s first ever permanent dispensary.
Military Police Dog Bodie and two Australian soldiers from the 1st Military Police Battalion aboard a landing craft during a beach landing serial as part of Exercise Sea Explorer, Cowley Beach, Townsville, Australia, 2021
Check out Exercise Flaming Sword, an exercise within Trojan Footprint - the largest multinational exercise in the Baltic region run by Lithuanian Special Operations Forces! FS22 has occurred annually since 2012, bringing the exercise to its 10th anniversary this year. Approx. 1,300 SOF from 15 nations participated in FS22, showing strong cooperation and a common interest in a secure environment for all participating countries.
(courtesy of Lithuanian Special Operations Forces)


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