Intro Greetings from North Carolina, and a question

Alex Franke

Mi Private
MI.Net Member
Sep 10, 2009
Hi everyone. I just registered after running across this site looking for some other WWI photos. This looks like a very complete resource! I think I'm going to spend a lot of time browsing around in here!

After I poked around for a bit I though you all might be interested in a different project I'm working on. I'm working on scanning, transcribing, translating, and cataloging about 350 postcards from WWI, pretty much entirely related to the German Imperial Navy (Kaiserliche Marine). They were almost entirely written by my grandfather and sent to my grandmother before they were married (He was on one of their ships.), and the translations cover both personal and military topics.

Is this the kind of thing you all are interested in?

If so (and if it's appropriate to do so) I can post a link to where I'm putting them all. At some point I'm going to get them all into a searchable database...
Yes this is the type of thing we would like to see and I look forward to doind so.
just for your information you can create a searchable album within our photo galleries, if you need an idea of what they will look like take a look at the many user albums already created HERE
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Thanks, Bombardier.

Right now I have everything I've scanned so far (80 postcards) up at the page below. There are about 350 total. Transcriptions and translations, if available, are in the comments.

I also scanned or photographed some his souvenirs and posted them here:

Should I post these to the WWI forum or to the Navy forum instead?
I think the WW1 forum.
Thank you (Y)

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