air defense of Georgia at the first stage of operation was is underestimated that led to big losses in aircraft
After the beginning of application of means of radio electronic fight of air defense of Georgia were suppressed. After 10.08.08 losses of aircraft of Russia weren't
The greatest efficiency during fighting was shown by an onboard complex of radio-electronic fight
SU-34 airplane,
and helicopters of radio of electronic fight (An-12PP, Mi-8PPA, Mi-8 of SMV-PG)
Forces of REB carried out radio-electronic suppression of radar station of Georgia by P-36D6, P-37, 5A87, P-18, 19Zh6, PRV-9 — 11 — 13, ASR-12 in regions of the cities of Gori, Tbilisi and Marneuli. At the same time in the course the RAP of RES of the opponent noises and the Russian radar stations of the A84, 5A87, P-18, P-37 type, placed at a distance of 100 – 120 km from zones of setting of noises by the AH-12PP planes were watched.