Intro Ex medic Reporting in

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Hi all
I was Directed here by my good mate Highland Sniper
My Names ben
I served mainly in the TA and was in the RAMC
i was attached to the LI for 4 Years
i am intreasted in British Military fron 1939 to present day

Looking forward to having fun here
Ben vik,
Hi Ben, may i be the first to welcome you here,
hope you have a good time and post lots :D


P.S. how's lord slack bladder.
Hello and welc. its a great site with great people. You will enjoy it. :P viki;
Welcome matey - as I told you this is a very fine place to hang out, with great people.

Welcome Ben - hopefully we'll be able to see some great pics and look forward to talking to you in the discussions. Great people here!

Welcome, Doc. Every unit needs a medic, and we're proud to have you. Any Bud of Rob's is a Bud of ours. I assume you're a Scot, also?

Ben, can you be patient with this ignorant Yank and decipher your unit abbreviations for me? I'm not familiar with the Brit Militarese. I'm guessing that the RAMC is the Royal Army Medical Corps, but what is the TA that you were in and the LI that you were attached to for 4yrs.?

Thanks, Doc.
Hi Frisco

I am a scot of sorts ( it's there in the blood) But live in nottingham

TA = Territorial Army

LI = Light Infantry

hope this helps mate
Thanks, Doc. Is a Territorial Army like a local Reserve or Guard unit? As a medic in the Light Infantry, were you a platoon medic in a rifle company? All infantrymen practically worship our medics. Try to protect them and take good care of them in the field.

Once again, WELCOME DOC welc. .
the Territorial Army, is a national reserve, but due to all the cut backs the forces have suffered since the end of WWII thay are called on more and more to go and fight.

so for the term reserve, you sould read Re Serve. :D
I was RAMC Attached to the LI
as such i was a company medic most of the time
Except when we went on Battallion Exercises then the MO wanted all his RAMC boys with him @ the Battallion HQ

Cheers mate
welc. Baldrick. As its already been said we're a great bunch of guys (and gals). Any friend of Highland Sniper is a friend of mine que;
Hi Ben,
Drop over to the Pub if ya want. Everybody is welcome there. :cool:

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