A house rife with division that's politically divided cannot stand and progress. Funny how calling themselves "Progressives" and actively progressing at nothing and instead is regressing.
It is difficult for that swamp of wretched partisans to help anyone else in any meaningful way and with zero strings attached making it conditional only, when one is constantly upset about not getting one’s way.
They really need to unfvck themselves before trying to unfuck the world of division that they themselves had created.
We can go back to the dawn of time to see which was the very first to toss stones or tried to prevent someone from doing greater things for all of us as a whole, but my timeline starts at Republicans and Libertarians resisting Obama's radicalism. The current crop of Demonrats if including all generations, all remember that particular timeline the most and they have been taking it personally ever since because for they too wanted that radicalism.
Makes the ones saying Dump Trump or calling him Felon, rather juvenile and impotent, rife with TDS and on lower grounds. This is stemming from spite, insults is a fallacy after all.
I digress. I walked away before it was cool to hashtag it and before the internet, back during Clinton. I saw then what was up and could no longer support a party that was more about pushing agendas and being in control than for thinking of all of our interests before their own...they still want control and radicalism over health & welfare of their constituents*. What a disgrace.
*Tim Waltz during Trump's 1st term, personally said it didn't matter how great the bill was that Trump wanted passed, he voted against because he didn't want Trump to have a win. It's why I laugh at those saying Trump doesn't support vets. nah fam, it's YOU that doesn't support vets, including vets themselves: That bill would have given us the best care and benefits ever,
It is nothing but optics and PR, because that's easy and cheap.
In addition to the audience not being able to elaborate thoughts complex enough to go beyond shadow theater. People are literally hooked ready-to-heat soundbites and to pre-digested opinions, with 0 original thoughts and critical thinking.
Discussing, arguing, pondering, contemplating, etc... all that is out of reach. It is a hive mentality with opinions swinging back and forth, which are nevertheless accepted, and embraced, even if they contradict one another or even themselves from one day to another.
We saw that with the inflation and, frankly, a substantial amount of issues during the Biden admin:
-it is not happening and will never happen.
-it is not happening.
-it can happen but it won't.
-it can happen but it is unlikely it will.
-it is happening but don't worry about it, you won't notice.
to the final stages:
-it is happening and it is a good thing.
-it is happening and if you don't like it you are the problem.
-it happened and it is actually your fault.
Anyway, whatever opportunity to stick it to the orange man has to be taken.