Other Post Fantasy dinner party


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
if you could have 5 people to a dinner party who would you chose and why


1) Hitler, (to find out more about him and why he did what he did.)
2) Jo Brand (feminist with an acerbic sense of humour)
3) Billy Connelly (to match wit with Jo Brand)
4) Stephen Hawkins (very interesting man)
5) Leonardo DaVinci (another interesting man)
Jesus Christ (self explanatory really)

Bernard Cornwall (cracking author)

Michael Caine

Peter Kay (funniest comedian ever apart from....

Morecambe and Wise
Clint Eastwood (Love his one liners)
Elvis Presley (Coz he's the King thats why)
Montgomery (Brilliant General)
Margaret Thatcher (best PM since Churchill)
Rudyard Kipling (He could explain all the words in his poems)

Jimmy Page - Led Zep - Simply the best riffer out there!
Prince Charles - top bloke - "met him" once too.
Yuri Gagarin - What was it like?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn - religion and politics
Maggie Thatcher - Also the best!
Clint Eastwood- his oneliners.
John Wayne-met him during the making of Horse Soldiers.
My father-whom I only knew as a young child.
Red Cloud-an ancestor by virtue of one of his daughters.
Dwight Eisenhower- a brilliant strategist.