Politics Climate Hysteria Debunked Yet Again ....

And snow covered solar panels don't produce sh*t.

Just wait until the hipsters can't charge their iphone and other gadgets for things to change.

Don't expect them to do anything because "lives are at risk". It's cold in Texas, Republicans live there. They are perfectly fine with Republicans dying. The twitter crowd is non-figuratively celebrating at the moment.
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Trawling the ocean floor for fish releases more carbon in a year than the pre-Covid global aviation industry, according to new research.
New Zealand environment campaigners are calling for the fisheries minister to take urgent action after the study by 26 researchers from across the globe was published in the journal Nature on Wednesday.
It calculated that bottom trawling, a practice where fishing boats drag weighted nets along the seabed to scoop up fish, created a gigatonne of carbon emissions per year – or 1 billion metric tonnes.
In 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic, the global aviation industry created an estimated 918 million tonnes of carbon dioxide.
The Amazon Basin is now releasing more heat-trapping ‘greenhouse’ gases than it is storing in its plants and soils, meaning it may have become a net contributor to the warming, not the cooling, of the planet.

In other words, humanity can no longer rely upon the so-called “lungs of the Earth” to clean the air and offset emissions from burning fossil fuels.

NZ produced a draft idea to ban deisel, petrol engines. Anyone heard of it...Doesn't seem like its big news on the internet. Taxcinder's next nuclear moment bombed by yawning disinterest.
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Greta needs to get on inventing then :rolleyes:

Overpopulation is the greatest problem we face - seems to be a topic most of the crazy environmentalists seem to avoid
So the SecDef is taking on Climate Change ..... has someone forgot to tell him that Military can't kill an enemy they can't even see never mind exist ..
Greta needs to get on inventing then :rolleyes:

Overpopulation is the greatest problem we face - seems to be a topic most of the crazy environmentalists seem to avoid
One can but hope her tubes get tied and she dont add to the over population then. ;)
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Over in Norway .. ...you aren't allowed to charged your car between 8/10am because they can't cope also lolololol
To be perfectly clear, no one froze to death and no EVers were left stranded. But it is worth noting that a country that normally has a huge surplus of electricity can suffer the ignominy of shortages at peak usage. EV proponents are fond of promoting how easily a future recharging infrastructure might be accommodated by our “average” demand, but as anyone who has lived through a California brownout can attest, electrical grids need to be engineered for the peak — not typical — usage.

And again, this is Norway where, just last November 2, E24 reported the country produced so much excess electricity that it was paying Norwegians — about three cents a kWh — to use electricity.
Every medal has its two sides, and as this man writes, there is a common necessity to upgrade the existing transmission infrastructure for peak usage and flexible demands. Given the overall shoddy state of transmission power lines throughout the US it also not surprising that California can't cope with "too many Teslas" on top of the regular load of millions of A/C units.
Just wait until they figure out a way to split out the car charging portion of your "home energy bill" and then apply a "mileage tax" or whatever else they want to call it.

On top of that, of course they are going to bill you more per kWH when it is convenient to you to charge your car.

I bet money that people will start buying portable power generators (that, ironically run on fossil fuels) to charge their electric cars.