Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise (CRUZEX) is a multinational and operational exercise promoted by Brazilian Air Force (BAF) since 2002, aiming at joint training of conflict scenarios and promoting exchanges of experiences among the participating countries.
The 2018 edition, which will take place from November 18 to 30, in Ala 10, in Natal (RN), will bring together 13 countries, including Brazil, around 100 Brazilian and foreign military aircraft. It is the largest multinational and joint training peformed by Brazilian Air Force – as it also gathers Brazilian Army and Navy. The prediction is among 1200 to 1300 hours of flight.
The main innovation of CRUZEX 2018 is the unconventional warfare scenario (UW scenario), in which combat is against insurgent or paramilitary forces and not between two constituted States. These are situations found in missions where the United Nations (UN) operates.
In this edition, Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States, France, Peru and Uruguay will participate with militaries and aircraft. Germany, Bolivia, India, Portugal, Sweden and Venezuela will participate with militaries.