Photos US Forces

The two longest held POWs in North Vietnam, Ev Alvarez and Bob Shumaker
These 2 men were notorious senior personnel in the NVN prison system: on the left is “Spot”, and on the right is “The Rabbit”, monikers given to them by the POWs, as the NVN never shared their names. The Rabbit was especially infamous for his brutal interrogations and punishments.

Two of my heroes: Robbie Risner & Jim Stockdale. They were two of the finest leaders in the NVN POW camps. Risner received his 2d AF Cross for his heroism while a POW, and Stockdale the Medal of Honor. RIP heroes.
US troops of a long-range reconnaissance patrol in Vietnam, reading comic books in their downtime (1960s)

A Huey gunship filled with Coke and Budweiser
A young Vietnamese child and a U.S. soldier of the 25th infantry division test a swingset in a new playground at the American base in Cu Chi, Vietnam. The playground, part of an improvement project, was built by members of the 25th. 1966.
c 1966. A US Army M88 Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV) rumbles along a dirt road in Phuoc Tuy Province
Members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade engaged in a crawl to the crest of Hill 875, a steep mound that in 4 days cost the U.S. Army some of the highest casualties of the war. Pushing inch-by-inch of earth behind them, U.S. paratroopers took most of the hill.
Green Beret and South Vietnamese soldiers engage Viet Cong guerrillas, June 18, 1969
Pfc. John Stananback of East Paterson, N.J., carries a Viet Cong soldier on his back to a first aid station near Bau Bang, 30 miles north of Saigon, March 5, 1966.
Thai soldier from Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force in Vietnam, circa 1968
F-100D fires a salvo of 2.75-inch rockets at Viet Cong positions, South Vietnam, January 1967
Swedish national and volunteer Per Olof Ödman during the battle of Khe Sanh in 1968. He had emigrated to America to join the US Marine Corps and fight in the Vietnam War after serving in the Swedish Army from 1965-67
Master Sgt. Wayne Whightsil on patrol in South Vietnam 1964. He passed away in 2008 at the age of 83
Pfc. Lacey Skinner of Birmingham, Ala., crawls alongside a rice paddy dike near An Thi, Vietnam while under fire from Viet Cong troops trying to repel an assault of the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Division, January 28/29, 1966
American troops move carefully from a trench to rescue a wounded member of their platoon at Hill 875, note the grenades ready to go. North Vietnamese troops poured heavy mortar fire on an artillery base near Dak To and the SF camp in Kontum 27 Nov 1967, Dak To, South Vietnam

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