Photos US Forces

Companies B and C, 1st Bn, 8th Inf, 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div, assemble on top of Hill 742, located five miles northeast of Dak To, prior to moving out. A purple smoke bomb is ignited in the background to guide in a helicopter. November, 1967
#VietnamWarStories #vietnamwarvet #usarmyveteran #usarmy #vietnamwar #usarmyvet #VietnamVets
Original description and photo sourced from the US Army Archive

American Hero at the Age of 18

Private First Class Milton Lee Olive III, U.S. Army, Company B, 2d Battalion (Airborne), 503d Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade was a United States Army soldier and a recipient of America's highest military decoration — the Medal of Honor — for his actions in the Vietnam War. At the age of 18, Olive sacrificed his life to save others by smothering a live grenade. He was the first African-American recipient of the Medal of Honor from the Vietnam War.
PFC Olive's Medal of Honor citation reads as follows:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Pfc. Olive was a member of the 3d Platoon of Company B, as it moved through the jungle to find the Viet Cong operating in the area. Although the platoon was subjected to a heavy volume of enemy gunfire and pinned down temporarily, it retaliated by assaulting the Viet Cong positions, causing the enemy to flee. As the platoon pursued the insurgents, Pfc. Olive and 4 other soldiers were moving through the jungle together when a grenade was thrown into their midst. Pfc. Olive saw the grenade, and then saved the lives of his fellow soldiers at the sacrifice of his own by grabbing the grenade in his hand and falling on it to absorb the blast with his body. Through his bravery, unhesitating actions, and complete disregard for his safety, he prevented additional loss of life or injury to the members of his platoon. Pfc. Olive's extraordinary heroism, at the cost of his life above and beyond the call of duty, are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of his country.
#VietnamWarStories #lestweforget #usarmysoldier #usarmy #usarmyinfantry #USArmyStrong #MedalofHonor
#usairborne #VietnamVets #Hero
#vietnamwar #USArmyStrong #heroes
Original text and photographs sourced by the following:, US Department of Defense and US Army

Vietnam War 1971 - Cuộc hành quân Lam Sơn 719.
Two members of an American helicopter recovery team turn their backs to the biting dust kicked up as a Huey "Slick: hoists a Lon helicopter from Laotian soil for the trip back to Vietnam. The light observation helicopter was downed near by Communist anti-aircraft fire.

Private First Class G. R. Connell, 20 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) uses an electronic mine detector to sweep an area of Marble Mountain. Conell was on a search and clear operation with A Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marines [A/1/1], 1st Marine Division (official USMC photo by Lance Corporal W. R. Schaff).
#VietnamWarStories #vietnamveteran #VietnamVets #VietnamWar #usmc #lestweforget #semperfi
Original description and photo sourced from the USMC Archive

Thanksgiving Turkey Survives and becomes Base Mascot
American service members in Vietnam found it hard to resist when their still-gobbling Thanksgiving main course arrived in November, 1967. Discovering a new friend, this lucky bird survived and became the camp mascot..
The turkey that found its way by helicopter to the 9th Infantry Division was destined for the nearby Bearcat base camp. It was one of 57,000 sent in to provide as many as possible of the half-million Americans in Vietnam with the traditional holiday feast.
Also rolling through the supply chain for the 1967 meal were 225 tons of boneless turkey meat, 28 tons of cranberry sauce, 15 tons of mixed nuts, eight tons of candy, 11 tons of olives and 33 tons of fruitcake.
#VietnamWarStories #VietnamVets #VietnamWar #vietnamveteran #usarmy #Thanksgiving
Original description and photos sourced from
Stars and Stripes Magazine.

Logs atop a small bunker provide protection for a U.S. infantryman, a member of the 25th Division "Wolfhounds," as he fires machine gun at VC positions near Cu Chi, some 25 miles northwest of Saigon in South Vietnam. The Americans were expanding the perimeter around their base camp through a heavily-tunneled and entrenched area. (APWirephoto)
#VietnamWarStories #VietnamVets #usmilitary #VietnamWar #usarmyvet #usarmy #vietnamveteran #Salute
Original description and photo sourced by Wire

Charles “Chuck” Mawhinney

#VWS Following enlistment, he attended Scout Sniper School at Camp Pendleton and graduated in April 1968. From there he received orders to South Vietnam where upon arrival he was assigned as a rifleman to Lima Company 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division. He remained in this unit for 3 months until he was re-assigned to 5th Marine Regiment HQ Scout Sniper Platoon. There he worked as a scout sniper for different companies with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Battalions. He also worked with the South Korean Marines, Force Recon, Army CAG Unit, but the majority of his time was with Delta Company. During this tour he is credited with 103 confirmed (PAVN)/ (VC) targets and 216 probables. He spent 16 months in Vietnam, starting in early 1968.
#VietnamWarStories #semperfi #usmilitary
#vietnamwarfootageandstories #salute #marinecorps #usmc #VietnamWar #VietnamVets #usmcveteran
Original description and photo sourced by USMC Archive and

Harold Gregory Moore Jr. was a United States Army Major General and Distinguished Service Cross Honoree. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, the U.S. military's second-highest decoration for valor, and was the first of his West Point class to be promoted to brigadier general, major general, and lieutenant general.
Moore's Distinguished Service Cross citation reads as follows:
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918 (amended by act of July 25, 1963), takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross to Colonel (Infantry), [then Lieutenant Colonel] Harold Gregory Moore, Jr. (ASN: 0-27678), United States Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam. During the period 14 through 16 November 1965, Colonel Moore, Commanding Officer, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), was participating with his unit in a vital search and destroy operation in the la Drang Valley, Republic of Vietnam. Upon entering the landing zone with the first rifle company, Colonel Moore personally commenced the fire-fight to gain control of the zone by placing accurate fire upon the Viet Cong from an exposed position in his hovering helicopter. Throughout the initial assault phase, Colonel Moore repeatedly exposed himself to intense hostile fire to insure the proper and expedient deployment of friendly troops. By his constant movement and repeated exposure to this insurgent fire, Colonel Moore, with complete disregard for his own personal safety, set the standard for his combat troops by a courageous display of "leadership by example" which characterized all his actions throughout the long and deadly battle. Inspired by his constant presence and active participation against the overwhelming insurgent hordes, the friendly forces solidified their perimeter defenses and repulsed numerous Viet Cong assaults. On 15 November 1965, the embattled battalion was again attacked by a three-pronged insurgent assault aimed at surrounding and destroying the friendly forces in one great advance. With great skill and foresight, Colonel Moore moved from position to position, directing accurate fire and giving moral support to the defending forces. By his successful predictions of insurgent attack plans, he was able to thwart all their efforts by directing barrages of small arms, mortar, and artillery fire in conjunction with devastating air strikes against Viet Cong positions and attack zones. As the grueling battle continued into the third day, another large Viet Cong strike was repulsed through Colonel Moore's ability to shift men and firepower at a moment's notice against the savage, last-ditch efforts of the insurgents to break through the friendly positions. Colonel Moore's battalion, inspired by his superb leadership, combat participation, and moral support, finally decimate the well-trained and numerically superior Viet Cong force so decidedly that they withdrew in defeat, leaving over 800 of their dead on the battlefield, and resulting in a great victory for the 1st Battalion. Colonel Moore's extraordinary heroism and gallantry in action were in keeping with the highest tradition of the United States Army and reflect great credit upon himself and the military service.
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Original description and photos sourced from and


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