[QUOTE="primer, post: 65048, member: ].
So apparently its a large part gouging? Generally what portion of the of price is that?
It s hard to answer you precisely. Simply put if you check the news a lot of big pharma are closing R&D dep (sanofi, pfizer, merck-msd) while their shares are going up and their marketing deps are bloating.
This is not a sane move.
Furthermore when you know that these big pharma are taking bank loans (because low interests ) to increase share dividends distribution.
You have another factor, they are borderline creating consortiums, not on prices but on the drug distribution.
I have seen first hand big pharma x giving away the patent for an anticancer drug (because it had too much of that kind of drigs in its files);to big pharma y in exchange of a diabetis drug.
Like during a card game.
I suspect the silliness with big pharm also had to do with the need to shift business models towards a likely future of personal precision medicine.
Retail price on genome sequencing fell to $199 last year(temporarily for holidays).
We are less than 5 years away from full genome sequencing dropping to the price of a pizza, although professional human advice beyond AI med chatbot will still cost heaps.
My family had been sequenced. My family doctor thinks I’m a nerd because he couldn’t do anything with it. Then the clear, concise, data driven genetic insights started arriving as comparable user datasets grow.
In 10 years we will have 10 million humans sequenced and some real health and wellness wins.
in 20 years we will have billions of humans sequenced and virtually unlimited human health, wellness, fitness, and longevity wisdom from mining those big data sets.
If I had to guess, genetic/genomics is going to the moon within 10 years, while big pharm will(as you alluded to) start acting more like private equity/venture capital for healthcare with their cash stockpiles.
Physics(genetics/genomics) versus chemistry(big pharm)
One-off gene therapies versus one sized fits all chemical compounds.
How much will people pay for a better last 5 years? 10 years?
How much will people pay for an extra 5 years? 10 years?
The answer is everything.
And that adds up to trillions In profit.
Proletariat baying for the blood of 1%ers is nothing now.
Give it another 10 years, and a max of 20 years.
Those who are paying attention are already seeing differentials in income based life expectancies(100 years ago there was practically zero differential between the wealthy and working class).