Politics US uprising 2024


MI.Net Member
Feb 20, 2020

Three retired US military generals warned of an uprising or even civil war if the results of the 2024 presidential election were not accepted by some in the military.
Former Major General Paul Eaton, Former Major General Antonio Taguba and Former Brigadier General. Gene. Steven Anderson made the warnings in an op-ed in The Washington Post on Friday.

They wrote that they were “increasingly concerned” about the 2024 elections and the “potential for deadly chaos within our military”.
The generals highlighted the “disturbing number” of veterans and active-duty military personnel who took part in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters — more than 1 in 10 of those accused had a military record.

Since the last election, the generals warned that further unrest and division had developed in the armed forces.
The generals wrote they fear that if 2024 is a contentious election that divides loyalties, there is “the potential for a total collapse of the chain of command along partisan lines”.
Approved candidates is the way to go - like Hong Kong!
I mean, we are barely one year in Biden's Admin.
Only one year!

Biden's agenda and electoral promises are over.
Democrats senators and Congress-members are dissenting.
Dems have the thinnest majority in the Senate.
Their "defund the police" agenda backfired dramatically (though people had been warned it would) and crime through the roof.
CRT is getting huge push-back and parents are being labeled as "domestic terrorists" as a result for opposing it.
The "white supremacy" boogeyman never showed up.
Narratives that have been pushed since Trump got in office have been thoroughly debunked and people realized they have behaved like fools for believing these lies (though some on this forum are still head over heels in them).
2022 midterms are not looking good.

Oh and, by the way, somewhere around 80k and 60k (though probably somewhere 70k and 65k) Americans are still stuck in Afghanistan. 112 since the "totally professional and not botched withdrawal" from Afghanistan.

And they are already ramping up and beating the drums of war.

What I if mildly hilarious though, is how the Dems, Biden, Hillary, the pundits and all the media/showbiz talking heads boastfully claimed Trump would destroy the US. And even more so that some still believe that nonsense as of today, even on this very forum.
The way things turned out, and the more I am looking at it (though looking at things from a different angle would probably give me another perspective), it feels like Trump was merely a pretext if not a scapegoat.
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