Article Prototype Falcon.

Hi guys the link below will take you to the prototype of the Vickers Falcon an SPAA that was triled but didn't make it into production.


The big problem with it based on the Sgt York experience would be integrating the tracking radar. Not much room in there for all that.
The big problem with it based on the Sgt York experience would be integrating the tracking radar. Not much room in there for all that.
Off topic but we made a giant mistake based on our buy only USA made ego's. I mean all we had to do was buy and either import or license build our own Flakpanzer Gepard turrets with nothing unchanged from the original specs and we'd probably be still seeing them in service over here.
Sgt York probably could have been made to work. It was pretty close when cancelled - it was much more of a politics thing than a technical one that was holding it back. However it was always going to suffer from being mounted on that old M48 chassis, the sensible thing would have been to mount it on an M1 chassis so it could keep up with the rest of the armoured formations.
Well came you blame the politicians who almost got smoked that day, for wanting what they are seeing as hot garbage to never see a day in production?

The 40mm was a great choice, but the radar that was originally designed to be used on an aircraft in the air and not on the ground with lots of clutter and an infrared mode only that couldn't lock on unless it was a giant heat source or mirages of one, wasn't exactly great. And agreed on the same chassis as the armored formations are using to keep pace.

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