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A Royal Navy Aircrewman desperately searches for the ever-elusive species known in some cultures as "Monday motivation".
Update: Still missing.
Things cars say: Wroooom!
Things cars don't say: Wanna go to brunch? Let's meet my parents! What do you mean, it looks nice?

Ich weiss mein freund. :p

I’m at a point in my life when I realized I can handle women and their moody attitude, the in-laws certainly are a pain in the Bo*****S, though.
To be fair, I'm probably moodier than most women. When my girlfriend of seven years left me, it was gut-wrenching but I now enjoy being single quite a bit. And being the type of guy that gives honest answers to questions like above, I've resigned myself to the fact I'll probably die an old bachelor.
I suppose it’s best we don’t turn this thread into an emotional drama relationship one, but that’s likely not going to be the case man.

Haven’t we all been dumped for a reason or another after even years spent together only to bounce back and find someone else? Unless being a celibate is a choice I guess. Prost.

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