Politics FBI Paid Twitter 3.4million

colin traveller

Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Mar 8, 2018
Beyond a joke and down right disgrace ... and America is becoming a laughing stock with ever passing day ..

Because there is clearly no acountability nevermind honest justice ..

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Beyond a joke and down right disgrace ... and America is becoming a laughing stock with ever passing day ..

Because there is clearly no acountability nevermind honest justice ..
Yes it healthy to laugh at the world but for America it surpassed laughing stock some time ago. This is serious, The Stasi could take lessons from US agencies now, it's been hurdling headlong further on the surveillance road for 20 years, and the natural next step is to start hurting people with that info, and they started doing that a long time ago.
But as Ivan says, obvious racist is obvious, far right extremist in da house.
Yeah...what a story. The FBI paying off to Twitter the time it requested of its employees, a completely legal and action btw.

Too bad the fascist FBI did not prevent the New York Post from reporting on this. Worst censorship operation in the world! And if you´re a lawyer for a private company, and the info seems fraudulent or is not yet verified, and you want to avoid a lawsuit coming the other way, you can and probably should be careful. Imagine if it had been fake? The New York Post did not share its source to anyone at the time if I am correct.

Some can complain about the media being biased and it is, but these people have a fixed address, a list of people responsible for the content, you always know where to find them should you want to prosecute them...unlike all these twitter accounts that before 2020 and after can say anything they want and who cannot answer for any wrongdoing. And who provide to morons the info they "feel" is correct...

So FBI paid to censor? ROFLOL

What can be discussed is that government agencies have a bif reach in the US. These powers were conferred to them by multiple administrations in the wake of terrorist attacks. Their power can be discussed, their reach and espionage actions were revealed by Snowden back in the day.

Trump did not change any of that btw. And it was his people as well.

The midterms showed most Americans are tired of the insanity: Americans voted across party lines, for centrist democrats and centrist Republicans.

There is a reason Elon lost his non significant "twitter" election on if he should stay CEO (and not following through). People have had enough of all of this crap.
The FBI were part of an alphabet soup of lettered agencies "strongly suggesting" to Twitter that various things be censored. (Hint hint, nice company you have there, sure would be a shame if our agency took a really strong interest in it and tied you up for years in legal wranglings).

Twitter were receiving daily updates from agencies of stuff they wanted suppressed or removed and they largely complied with those. The 1st amendment doesn't apply to private companies, they were "free" to do so. But it sure is heavily implied that if they hadn't been doing so then there would have been ... trouble.
So, we have the FBI trying to get twitter to remove lawful speech by non-bot US users; using taxpayer money at the amount of us$3,4mil paid as a bribe to twitter paying for their employees extra-time to "do research into these accounts, because we think they are harmful foreign actors" (of course they weren't, they were US citizens engaged in lawful speech, they are not bots).

The US government was paying taxpayer money to suppress lawful and reasonable free speech among US citizens, while promoting non-speech with the blessing of twitter for 3 years at a time.

They knew what was going on. They acknowledged it. And they did nothing.
Twitter took no actions despite it being against their own TOS, while presenting themselves as unbiased and paragons of freedom "no Uncle Sam! You won't dictate your rules here! You don't have power over us!".

And while working with CENTCOM and the FBI, giving them full latitude.

Incidentally, that would mean Jack Dorcey should be held in contempt of course, since he went before Congress and testified under oath that none of that was happening.
People :
"government would never do this...we trust the government.... they only want what is best for us...."

I already Gave up discussions like this, people will only get mad at each other , and neither side will change its opinion...
People :
"government would never do this...we trust the government.... they only want what is best for us...."

I already Gave up discussions like this, people will only get mad at each other , and neither side will change its opinion...
Many are perfectly fine with gov censorship, manipulating elections etc. They support it.
Further along the spectrum you have the zealots who have their own truth / not what I choose to believe and the above cohort have a little sprinkling of this self censorship too.
We quickly went from dissing religion as "fairies at the end of the garden" and Papal infallibility to Presidential infallibility.
Losing religion from society has proven a huge loss as pseudo religion has just merged into everything we do, but in a much worse way.
We're right back to original sin with the climate stuff.
Believe Women / Take a knee / punish the sinful whites etc all just lost souls needing the careful direction of the church ;-)