So who gets to set the "maximum pay"? Bureaucrats who's specialty is pushing paper and doing things as slowly and inefficiently as possible? Elected politicians who’ve never done a days work in their lives but think that their degree in PR makes them an expert?
Far better to leave it to the owners and shareholders of the companies to set pay – they alone know whether they’re getting value for the money or not.
I don't care about the level of maximum pay. As i said if it is deserved to be paid millions, then it is deserved
And no, it is not better to leave shareholders to set the pay. They are among the first culprit for short term crooge management of companies because the actual mindset is "short term gain of 10% / year", not long term development of the companies
It is a predatory behaviour that butchers a lot of companies and corporates and leaves a dissonance between companies health and results and salaries of CEOs
Here is a Forbes (not a commie newspaper) article about salary and performance :
Here are some examples of CEO salaries and famous failed companies :
Tell me here if you think the pay, incentives and bonuses are deserved ? Rewarding failure, it is how it is called in my world
Usualy small shareholders have nothing to say in these policies, they are set by big shareholders, hedge funds, banks, financial institutions
The same that sold toxic funds and unsustainable loans.
The recent new trend is that these "wise" owners and shareholders that, from your pov, are better to set anything, are pushing companies in debts to profit from low credit interests. And the money borrowed is almost never re-invested in the development of the said companies (R&D, hiring and equipment renewed) but is returned immediately in the financial circuit. If you think it is a wise management, good for you. I think otherwise and i expect there will be a backlash in the form of another bubble explosion soon