Photos Armenia v Azerbaijan

And to be correct, the Beef is still between Azerbaijan and NKR, which even not recognized by Armenia it self.

This is just a convenient "loophole" for the big regional players like Russia and Turkey not to get formerly involved and potentially go to war because their "clients" got out of hand. The de facto conflict is between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Russians always play both sides...and one move from them (if they are not overstretched) and it will cool things down considerably.

I worry that Israel is taking this stance more because of Iran rather than for support of the Azeris.
In year 2016, as Azeris tried another one, rumors were that IAI representatives even controlled the Harop kamikadze drones for them.
Formally, Nagorno Karabakh is a territory of Azerbaijan.

True. There is an UN resulotion about that.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 62/243

The resolution reaffirmed "continued respect and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Azerbaijan "within its internationally recognized borders", demanded the "immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Armenian forces from all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan", and emphasized that "no state shall render aid or assistance" to maintain the occupation of Azerbaijani territories .

True. There is an UN resulotion about that.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 62/243

The resolution reaffirmed "continued respect and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of Azerbaijan "within its internationally recognized borders", demanded the "immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all Armenian forces from all the occupied territories of Azerbaijan", and emphasized that "no state shall render aid or assistance" to maintain the occupation of Azerbaijani territories .


Weird resolution if you look at who voted for it.
France, USA, Russia voted against ?
China and UK abstained.

So basically all the big boys were against this resolution.

P.S. as far as I remember UNGA resolutions are non-binding, and are there just to assemble consensus/sympathy. But if major world players (who tend to bear the brunt of everything that happens in the world) vote against or abstain, it means they're not ready, confident nor willing to support the S**t storm that could unfold from supporting said resolution. Most of those in favor (with the exception of Turkey) would encounter 0 consequences from said resolution for themselves.
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True. There is an UN resulotion about that.

Ah, interesting UN resolutions... let's take another one 1244/99 about Serbia, it was then Serbia and Montenegro (FRY) June 10, 1999 when it was stated that Kosovo belongs to FRY, only to be given substantial autonomy.

''Determined to resolve the grave humanitarian situation in Kosovo, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,''

Authorizes the Secretary-General, with the assistance of relevant international organizations, to establish an international civil presence in Kosovo in order to provide an interim administration for Kosovo under which the people of Kosovo can enjoy substantial autonomy within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and which will provide transitional administration while establishing and overseeing the development of provisional democratic self-governing institutions to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants of Kosovo;

There are other parts, regarding the obligation to disarm and disband the KLA, it didn't happen, they simply wore other uniforms and became militia first and then quasi army.

But the most interesting is that the Hague court ruled in favor of Kosovo's independence. That much about UN resolutions.
Azerbaijan seems to be using drones supplied by Turkey and Israel.

Really dissapointed that the Israeli stance against Iran ends up in the supporting of people who want to wipe out the Christians in the region just because they get along with Iran.
Not to step on any toes but Iranians and Armenians have been getting along since before there even was Christianity. I wouldn't read too much into the Israeli-Azeri alliance. Here we have an alliance of convenience more than anything, one that won't survive the eventual downfall of Iran's theocracy anyway, provided of course Trump gets his second term. If Biden wins the WH we will be back at square one.

Not because of Iran but because of historical ties and the fact that Israel get 40% of its oil from Azerbaijan. Although, the latter is no longer of strategic value for Israel because of the recent deal and de-facto close ties to every state in the Gulf.

And Israel used to get most of its oil from Iran (and will again, I'm sure), times change and relations change. The very moment a rational regime can be established in Iran and Israel manages to rid itself of its regional threats through Iranian connivance the Israelis will likely abandon support for Azerbaijan at the request of Iran.

Of course this will inevitably give rise to the usual "backstabbing & treacherous jews" discourse that the rest of the world likes to engange in. And this is just me being realistic.
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Artsakh defense force destroys Azerbaijani fuel and munitions depo

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Azerbaijani artillery position destroyed. No idea why all these videos are potato quality

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Not exactly D-Day then>?

For me, it's all starting to make sense. The lasting impact of this flare-up in fighting is that Azerbaijan may occupy the Jabrail region and will succeed in doing so by entrenching near the Iranian border and hoping that Artsakh will leave them alone for fear of putting rounds in Iran. This concern is corroborated by the numerous statements Iran has made to the press in the last few days and the building-up of their own military at the border.

So despite all the Azeri chest-pounding, their only real progress will come via what is, frankly, a p*ssy move.