Rant 2nd arrest over medals scandal

John A Silkstone

Mi General
MI.Net Member
Jul 11, 2004
Second soldier arrested over medals scandal

A second officer has been arrested over allegations that medal citations awarded for gallantry in Afghanistan were faked, it can be revealled.

Lieutenant Colonel Ed Freely, the commanding officer of the 1st battalion Royal Irish Regiment, was arrested by military investigators last week

Lieutenant Colonel Ed Freely, the commanding officer of the 1st battalion Royal Irish Regiment, was arrested by military investigators last week and could face charges of "neglect of duty".

He was quizzed over claims that he failed to check vital facts in a citation which led to an officer under his command, Major Robert Michael Armstrong, being awarded the Military Cross.

It is also understood that two further military decorations awarded to soldiers who served with Maj Armstrong, an officer in the Royal Artillery, are being reviewed.

Two junior non-commissioned officers who received Mentioned in Dispatches (MID) in the same action in which Maj Armstrong won his MC have told military investigators that they do not recognise his version of the event.

It is also understood that the NCOs, both corporals, were surprised to learn that they had received "MIDs" given that the incident did not take place under enemy fire.

Sources confirmed to this newspaper that Maj Armstrong could face being charged Under Section 69 of the Army Act for conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline, an offence which, on conviction, carries a maximum two-year prison sentence.

If Maj Armstrong "pleads" not guilty to a charge Under Section 69, he will be tried by court martial, according to military sources.

Maj Armstrong, 35, who was attached to the 1st battalion The Royal Irish Regiment battle group in Helmand last year, was arrested and questioned 10 days ago by the special investigation branch (SIB) of the Royal Military Police (RMP) following a complaint from another officer.

Maj Armstrong, who is currently working in media operations with 38 Brigade in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, won his MC for his actions after a convoy of British and Afghan vehicles was ambushed by the Taliban.

The citation read: "As a result of his calm leadership under fire, losses were prevented and the lives of those injured were saved."

But that description of the attacks is disputed by two corporals, one of whom was a medic, who were present at the time of the attack.

Both men are reported to have claimed that there was no hostile fire by the Taliban when a vehicle in their convoy was blown up by an improvised explosive device.

The medical orderly confirmed that he treated an Afghan soldier who had lost a leg in the blast. But, crucially, both men reportedly said they did not regard themselves as being in immediate danger.

It is understood that the officer who made the initial complaint felt aggrieved that Maj Armstrong exaggerated his involvement in battles and that actions attributed to himself were actually those of other officers.

The Sunday Telegraph understands that the officer, who made the complaint, a captain, sought the advice of Colonel Richard Westley, the Commander of the Operational Training Group, the unit which prepares troops for combat in Afghanistan.

Col Westley told the officer to "think of the consequences" before making any formal complaint but that he should "follow his conscience".

Defences sources have said that the RMP inquiry has "opened a can of worms" in the Army with a number of soldiers and officers complaining that they were "under written" for acts of gallantry.

It is understood to be the first time such an investigation has been conducted by the British Army and could have far reaching implications for honours and the awards system.

Senior officers have privately voiced concerns over so called "medal inflation" creeping into the armed services with different units serving in Helmand competing for awards.

One senior officer said: "Commanding officers are under real pressure when writing-up their soldiers. There is a real sense that those who read the citations should feel the heat of battle.

"So inevitably this leads to a form of exaggeration but for all the right reasons. The current system may not be perfect but I am yet to be convinced there is a better one."

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence, said: "Two individuals have so far been arrested and interviewed under caution in connection with this investigation.

"Both individuals were released after interview. The RMP (SIB) investigation into this issue remains ongoing and it would be wholly inappropriate to comment further while this remains the case."
I wonder how many awards, over the years, are inflated. In Vietnam, they certainly were. I was personally involved in a couple of instances. After I returned home & had been discharged, I received a Vietnamese Honor Medal, 2nd Class. The citation was in Vietnamese (which I could read, being an interpreter/translator) and described an incident where 2 VC were killed..I wasn't there!!!! I could not even recall such an incident ever happening.
Before I came home, I was told that I would probably get a Silver Star...if I re-enlisted. For what, I was never told. It took me 25 years to figure out what it was all about, and what happened did not deserve the SS..maybe an attaboy, but nothing more. (And, I was half hit in the arse at the time.)
Both these incidents were phoney as all get out. Why me? I don't know. I wasn't even in a combat unit...I was an advisor and saw little real combat. Snipers, rockets & mortars mainly.
I can see mistakes, especially over time. Hopefully, the system can be improved to minimize those mistakes. Those that deserve them should get them and those who do not, don't get them. I guess I just did the easy part in mentioning this, now how does this actually get accomplished?
It's a question of honesty vs career/ego enhancement. It's stuff like this that casts a shadow on all medals.

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