carlisle cathedral

  1. Cumberland Artillery Howitzer Brigade

    Cumberland Artillery Howitzer Brigade

    In glorious memory of the Officers, non Commissioned Officers and Men of the 1st line Cumberland Artillery Howitzer Brigade, 42nd Division who gave their lives for their country in the Great War 1914 - 1918 This memorial is in Carlisle Cathedral
  2. 34th Cumberland Regiment

    34th Cumberland Regiment

    This memorial window is in Carlisle Cathedral.
  3. 34th Cumberland Regiment

    34th Cumberland Regiment

  4. 34th Cumberland Regiment

    34th Cumberland Regiment

  5. HARDY Theodore Bayley V.C., D.S.O., M.C.

    HARDY Theodore Bayley V.C., D.S.O., M.C.

  6. Valentine BLOOMFIELD

    Valentine BLOOMFIELD

  7. Valentine BLOOMFIELD

    Valentine BLOOMFIELD

  8. Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    The cenotaph is situated in Rickerby Park, Carlisle
  9. Rickerby Park Cenotaph, Carlisle

    Rickerby Park Cenotaph, Carlisle

  10. Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    The cenotaph is situated in Rickerby Park, Carlisle. " To the immortal memory of the Men and Women of Cumberland and Westmorland who gave their lives during the Great War and in honour of the glorious services of the Border Regiment, Westmorland and Cumberland Yeomanry, Cumberland...
  11. Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    The cenotaph is situated in Rickerby Park, Carlisle
  12. Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    The cenotaph is situated in Rickerby Park, Carlisle
  13. Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    Rickerby Cenotaph, Carlisle

    The cenotaph is situated in Rickerby Park, Carlisle
  14. Carlisle City Cenotaph

    Carlisle City Cenotaph

    A lovely gesture. A spray of Red Roses left on the Carlisle City Centre Cenotaph. "D.Day, 6 June Never Forget Fallen Heroes (Ian)"
  15. RIGBY Lee

    RIGBY Lee

    Floral tribute to Lee on Carlisle City Centre Cenotaph A memorial was unveiled to Lee at his home town of Middleton at the Middleton Memorial Gardens, Greater Manchester on the 29th March 2015...
  16. Carlisle City Cenotaph

    Carlisle City Cenotaph

  17. Carlisle City Cenotaph

    Carlisle City Cenotaph
