From Navies arround the world, thanks to @BravoZulu

Germany & Colombia:
FGS Hyäne and ARC 7 de Agosto, Mediterranean Sea, July 2015

Colombian Air Force


First Woman in Command of Rescue Teams Professionalism and courage of the Technician Diana Andrade Rodríguez, the first female Rescue Equipment Technician and Flight Technician of the Colombian Air Force

President Iván Duque launched this Friday, from the Tolemaida military base, the Command against Drug Trafficking and Transnational Threats (Conat), of the Colombian National Army, a strategic unit in the fight against illicit drugs in the country.
Colombian Army


Mom, lawyer and the oldest general in the Colombian Army Her daughter Paula Alexandra, lieutenant, follows in her footsteps. Recognition of the women of the Colombian Armed Forces

The Colombian National Army has a mounted light cavalry that contributes to public security, controlling large areas, particularly in the Eastern Plains. These units carry out operations and maintain control of those areas, it is the only way, in the plains the winter is constant, there is not enough road infrastructure and the only way to move from one place to another is on horseback.
Fuerzas Comando Cup, The evento of Fuerzas Comando will be celebrate this year in Colombia in the Tolemaida Military Fort, in July.


Military and police special operations teams from 20 countries faced off in friendly competition during the Fuerzas Comando exercise will be held in Colombia. The annual exercise strengthen regional and multinational cooperation, mutual trust, readiness and partnerships among special operations forces in the Western Hemisphere




Outstanding joint air-naval training exercise, carried out in San Andrés Islands , guarantees the defense of the sovereignty and security of our island in the Carribean region.
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The Colombian Military Forces through its National Navy (ARC) and the Air Force (FAC), have carried out the first joint air-naval exercises carried out during the present 2021. They were developed in waters of the Archipelago of San Andrés , Providencia and Santa Catalina, in the Caribbean Sea, in order to increase joint operational capabilities.
Colombian Air Force deployed Kfir fighters to San Andrés to protect sovereignty and carry out Air and Naval exercises

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The Colombian Air Force deployed this week a squad of IAI Kfir C-10 fighter-bomber aircraft attached to Combat Squadron No. 111 to the island of San Andrés, within the framework of air-naval exercises that it is conducting with surface units of the National Navy of Colombia and to reinforce the sovereignty of Colombia in the airspace of the Colombian Caribbean. The activity, which was supported by the Boeing KC-767 "Jupiter" air refueling plane, began this Wednesday, March 10, when three supersonic fighter-bombers took off from the Air Combat Command No. 1 located in Puerto Salgar (Cundinamarca) with the mission to temporarily deploy to the Caribbean Air Group (GACAR) of the Colombian Air Force located at the Gustavo Rojas Pinilla International Airport of the island. The objective of this type of exercise is to accustom the pilots of these advanced aircraft to operate in this type of environment and their ability to interoperate with units of the Colombian Navy, as well as to demonstrate the deployment capacity and firepower of the Colombian Air Force in the face of any external threat that puts the territorial integrity of this region of Colombia at risk. This unusual deployment comes weeks after Nicaragua passed a law in which it unilaterally and illegally appropriated a large region of the Colombian Caribbean Sea, which generated the rejection of the Government of Iván Duque, which, through its Foreign Ministry presented an energetic protest in rejection of this statute that considers large portions of the Caribbean Sea as if they were part of Nicaraguan territory. Colombia highlighted that this Nicaraguan measure does not comply with international requirements and procedures for the recognition of areas and places of special interest and environmental protection. "It is a unilateral decision by Nicaragua that ignores the existence and achievements in terms of environmental protection of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, declared as such since 2000 by UNESCO," they expressed in a press release. In its protest note, Colombia rejected that, under the pretext of an environmental protection measure and contrary to international law, Nicaragua includes and qualifies portions of the Caribbean Sea as if they were part of its territory. According to the Foreign Ministry, the declaration represents one more attempt by Nicaragua to generate facts before the International Court of Justice, with the aim of pretending to comply with and respect the norms on human rights and the environment, despite the fact that it is already widely known. by the international community that the Nicaraguan authorities are systematic offenders in these matters. The Government of Colombia reiterated that it will spare no effort in defending the highest interests of the Nation before international bodies, including the rights of Colombians, including those of the Raizal population and all the inhabitants of the Archipelago. In addition to the unfriendly actions of Nicaragua, in recent days Venezuelan General Ovidio de Jesús Delgado Ramírez, commander of the Strategic Integral Defense Region (REDI) Los Andes, threatened to attack strategic targets on the island, if any incursion were to occur. of Colombian troops to Venezuelan soil. "How much Colombia lacks a Chávez, we always say it and emphasize it, if they dare to set foot on the sacred national soil, we will go to Bogotá and to San Andrés," said Delgado Ramírez while adding that there is a principle of the international diplomatic relations, which is the principle of reciprocity, "if you set foot here, I set foot there." With the increase in warmongering rhetoric and the legal and political actions of the main conflict hypotheses that Colombia has, the country's Military Forces will continue to demonstrate their operational readiness and the capabilities they have to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation.




The men and women of the Colombian Armed Forces send a message of congratulations to those who belong to the specialty of the Surfacing Force of the Colombian Navy in the framework of their anniversary. These highly trained units and their crews work tirelessly on the coasts, rivers and seas of the Homeland.




The Multinational Force of Observers in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, honored the soldiers of the 115th relay who are part of the Colombia Battalion No. 3 and finish their commission in this part of the world for their commitment and vocation.

The Colombian Navy participated in 'Operation DESI 2021' 40 men from the Caribbean Naval Force participated for 71 days in 17 naval exercises under NATO standards. This exercise was carried out in jurisdictional waters of the United States, between Colombia and Peru. Operation DESI is an initiative between the United States and South American countries with conventional attack submarines, which allows maintaining a high standard of training among the different navies. It should be noted that since 2004 Colombia has participated in this operation, this being the eleventh representation of our country. During the operation carried out near the port of Jacksonville, 40 men from the Caribbean Naval Force participated in 17 exercises, carried out in 71 days. The crews highly trained in naval maneuvers under the standards of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO, began the implementation of exercises that increase the degree of enlistment of the region's navies, particularly in anti-submarine warfare events. , as a preamble to international certification for the battle group.





Colombian Navy

Aereo Naval Operation

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