
Platoon 13, Oscar Company, 1st South African Infantry Bn

This photo was taken during basic training in 1SAI Bn. in March 1988. That's me on the far right, throwing the photographer (our Corporal) a toffee. The Big guy on the left was a real animal and very useful to have around when the going got tough.
'Throwing a toffee' = showing the bird (so the Continental types can understand!

Aaah, kooie-kamp in Tempe, the skiet-wal at De Brug, - its all coming back to me! Even the legend of the Tempe-Tigers....

Good sentimental picture, Ratel.
Hi, new addition here. Yes good memories, I was at 1 SAI in 1986, 20mm Gunner. Cheers, DA141
hey there da141,

i was a ratel driver at mlw in 86-87 obviously spent a while 1sai (basics & course)
my name's spencer kane curious to see who you are and also if you know me.
you never know?

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