What if Hitler had won.


Mi General
MI.Net Member
Feb 29, 2004
Watched a program on T.V. the other night called "when Hitler invaded Britain", it was compiled from reports, Diaries, declassified Secret Documents and conjecture about hitlers planes for OP. Sea Lion the invasion of Britain, one of the things to come to light was the fact that due to the shortage of trained soldiers, Churchill had sanctioned the use of Poison Gas on the beaches of southern england, to stem the flow of German troops landing there.

If this was the case, then what other nasties had been planed that we don't know about.
If this was the case, then what other nasties had been planed that we don't know about.

Our football team would work harder and 1966 would have never happened!
Did you ever watch the BBC tv series "The Secret War"? I'm sure they had a section or two on secret weapons that would have been employed in case of an invasion. For a fantastic overview of Nazi Germany's preparations (or lack thereof) Len Deighton's book "Fighter" is an invaluable read.
I had heard of the poison gas option but it would be nice to find out just what else would have been thrown at the beaches. I know that there were plans to saturate the sea with kerosene or avgas and light it once the German landing forces were approaching the shores. Whether this would have worked or not I don't know. Sounds nasty though.