Article Private Henry Tandey VC and Adolf Hitler

Connaught Ranger

Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Apr 14, 2019

Private Henry Tandey VC and Adolf Hitler

"The story of Private Henry Tandey VC, DCM, MM has once again entered the public domain following the publication of Michael Morpurgo’s latest book An Eagle in the Snow and sadly, in my opinion, for the wrong reasons."

Even if he had killed Hitler it wouldn't have made an iota of difference. The sentiments towards the Versailles Treaty and minorities were there, the NSDAP simply exploited them best and ended up beating out other extremists. If not Hitler it would have been someone else.

The final solution wasn't Hitler's idea, it was designed by a committee. Revenge for Versailles was prevalent throughout the officer corps. Maintaining the blockade after the armistice starving hundreds of thousands made sure the general populace had plenty of incentives as well.

The Entente won the war, just barely, but lost the peace.
Indeed, one of the last line of this article sums it up:

« Even if Henry had spared Hitler’s life it is too simplistic to say that his death would have prevented another world war. »

Kill Hitler back in the late period of the Great War, big deal. Would have been another one, probably neither better or worse than Der Führer, but the First World War couldn’t be the last.

The antisemitic sentiments were already deeply rooted into Europe - not only Germany then.

Not Hitler? Might have been Ernst Röhm, Heydrich, whoever else.
The point of the article is that Hitler's claim with regards Private Tandey was a fabricated lie,

like so much of what he claimed in "Mein Kampf."

Private Tandey could hardly have shot/killed a man who was not there on the days in question.
In other words, quite a lengthy article for nothing.