Photos Very unusual


Mi Major General
MI.Net Member
Jul 10, 2016
I'm not sure which is more unlikely... this happening or actually finding evidence as shown. (these do appear to be military bullets)

When you look at the way the bullets are displayed and the photo composed it immediately makes you think they hit in mid flight, I agree that one bullet must have been stationary, probably in an ammo box or as you say @NebrHogger 'in a pouch'.
Amazing image though :)
The first image is from 2 bullets on display at the Australian War Museum in Canberra and is purported to be of 2 bullets that were found on the battlefields in 1919. I can't expand on the how or under what circumstances they were found, I believe they were found on the field at Lone Pine.

The bullet on the right is a Mauser which the Turks were armed with and the bullet that has been struck is a .303 which was from an Australian Lee Enfield. It is likely that some poor sod was hit in the ammo pouch by a Turk bullet which has struck the .303 in the pouch and possible causing it to be spilled out onto the ground.

There is no official explanation from the War Museum and no "divine meeting" of the 2 rounds has ever been claimed.

As stated, the 2 rounds were found on the battlefields of ANZAC in 1919 during official searches for the war dead
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