A Former Ukrainian serviceman blocked the major bridge in the Ukrainian capital threatening to blow it up. The tense situation was resolved without casualties with the suspect taken into custody. The reasons behind his actions are unknown, but as one can easily imagine PTSD is considered to be the primary cause. The veteran was concerned that the new Ukrainian government will de facto capitulate to Russia.
In credit to the Ukrainian National Police special operations unit, KORD and operation planners, lethal option was considered as a last resort, even after the suspect shot down police UAV. No explosives were found on the suspect.
Very good video on a Facebook:
and youtube
Nyilvánvaló, hogy a SWAT-csoport tagjai ukrán zászlókat helyeztek a járműveikre pszichológusok javaslata alapján azzal a céllal, hogy kissé megnyugtassák a gyanúsítottat, hogy "mindannyian azonos oldalúak vagyunk". Az előzetes jelentések szerint a gyanúsított józan volt.
Néhány fénykép, ha több jó minőségre botlik, elküldöm őket.
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