Politics Oregon legalizes Heroin ..

It's a tough one black cat . The war on drugs has let's be honest been a complete failure . I dread to think how many billions wasted . I think taking weed away from the drug dealers is a step in the right direction . You could argue it's a gateway drug but removing it from dealers is going to lessen the chance of our youth being introduced to far more hazardous substances . You ve only got to look at legal highs which were made illegal in 2016 . Spice is rife with the homeless / down and outs and I'm sure there's good reason why they ve ended up down there with drugs seen as their only option .
I always think about CB radio - yes I am old enough to remember those. Anyway they were illegal in the UK and everyone and their dog had one - I had a good sideline running in US Pace handsets ;)
Once they were legalized virtually overnight everyone drifted away

Drugs for me is another illegal mess - as far as I am concerned legalize the lot of it - government produce - sell and tax it. A bit of pure stuff will get rid of a lot of people - crime will go down massively - makes me wonder how Liverpool would survive
Those who will take it are the same bunch who take it now and give them enough, and they won't be about long
Οne close friend was working in the past to the state institution who was providing metadone, an opioid like heroin, to addicts and told me that they were talking the state doses and then were seeking more drugs on the streets.
And if it was legal with plentiful supply your friend could actually spend some time looking after people with real health needs - rather than smack heads
You would not need the plethora of drug aid charities - and high paid CEO's - all the drug support workers etc. etc. - give them what they want and give them plenty of it. It would destroy a whole tier of criminality in the UK - in fact a number of tiers

I always wondered what would happen if the 'state' distributed very pure versions of some drugs on the QT to rid society of the smack heads? or a 'tainted' batch of methadone
Before taking drugs for the first time they should have a discussion with a crack head.
I am not sure that would make any difference - I won't get addicted etc. etc.

People will and people won't

Too many people making a good living out of rehab groups/rehab homes and the NHS just chucks loads of money at it - its criminal
Police here ran a good campaign on effects of meth. It was working . Made Meth into what it was, a community destroying poison. It was canned. Probably on some obscure PC basis of it portraying meth heads in negative way.
Well, I dont have a problem with that as long as they are not treated at hospitals ER for overdose and complications derived from their adiction.

It can be seen as a way of cleaning the genepool, and making the rest of US a much cleaner place if they dump all their methheads in one place and then built a wall around it. ???

Now seriously, this is going to bring a huge influx of drug addicts, with all asociated complications, criminals, gangs, violence,turf wars, etc... Anyone with a teaspoon of common sense who is still at Oregon is basically screwed. Should have left a few months ago, because after all the antifa riots, and now this... the value of housing is going to tank.
countless spliffs were killed in this war, we may never know the true casualties.
How is the drug war in the Philippines going? Is the gov planning on legalizing weed?

Nope weed here is still illegal, but the government did say that they will look into it and see if the benefits is worth making it legal. Our war on drugs is not due to MJ, but meth. Meth here got so bad that truck drivers and bus drivers use it as an energy drink
good. hopefully all the druggies here will pull up stakes and move. tired of caring for them and their entitled and thankless attitudes.
Quite frankly, I share the sentiment. Call me callous, call me arrogant but in my opinion the majority of drug users are just self-pitying berks who can't be bothered to deal with the hardships life has in store for the lot of us. Hell, often not even that – oftentimes they're just bored.

The idea that decriminalisation will somehow alleviate the issue of substance abuse is, quite frankly, absurd. You don't even have to look to the campaigns against e.g. cigarettes or excess sugar in foodstuffs to wonder how a problem is supposed to go away if nothing is to be done about it.

And that's perhaps my main issue with all those calls for drug decriminalisation: the hypocrisy. If your opinion is founded in true libertarian ideals, I respect that. But most people aren't libertarians. Most peope are far from being opposed to idea of regulating the deeds and speech of their fellow man; they just want to be able to take drugs without having to fear repercussions.

And maybe that's alright in a democracy. But be bloody honest about it, will you?
Quite frankly, I share the sentiment. Call me callous, call me arrogant but in my opinion the majority of drug users are just self-pitying berks who can't be bothered to deal with the hardships life has in store for the lot of us. Hell, often not even that – oftentimes they're just bored.

The idea that decriminalisation will somehow alleviate the issue of substance abuse is, quite frankly, absurd. You don't even have to look to the campaigns against e.g. cigarettes or excess sugar in foodstuffs to wonder how a problem is supposed to go away if nothing is to be done about it.

And that's perhaps my main issue with all those calls for drug decriminalisation: the hypocrisy. If your opinion is founded in true libertarian ideals, I respect that. But most people aren't libertarians. Most peope are far from being opposed to idea of regulating the deeds and speech of their fellow man; they just want to be able to take drugs without having to fear repercussions.

And maybe that's alright in a democracy. But be bloody honest about it, will you?

I put substance abuse down to people's failures to deal with chronic stresses , something that has been amplified greatly over my lifetime . That someone may run into a burning building to save a life without hesitation but put them in standing traffic for 2 hours and they simply cannot cope . It's this latter stress ; and you can throw in money / social media as similar stresses ; we are simply not evolved to deal with them . Humans are a more egalitarian race past your obvious deviants such as narcissists but our societies are anything but . People then look for an escape and unfortunately drugs are the easy choice . Do remember the biggest drug dealers in any one country happens to be your government and if aldous Huxley's brave new world is anything to go by his dystopian future is sadly coming true .
To start of its the cool and peer pressure thing or as many in the US have gone, by way of doctors.
That,s how the cop campaign here went.... Pics of toothless zombie crackheads. Family violence and wrecked communities.
Advertising basically. And everyone knows advertising works.... See tobacco.
Billions spent on US political campaigns, convincing people to make religious choices.
Negative drug advertising works just as well.
It’s super weird that here in liberal-ish NZ cannabis reform failed with razor thin margins with a new dominant government seeming unlikely to interject, despite defying NZ public opinion on other controversial topics.

In a way, I kind of blame California’s back-door unofficial recreational legalisation thru script as a reason for excessive caution in NZ.

However, the idea of legalising hard drugs seems a step too far.

It‘s a tough choice that includes personal responsibility, addiction addled minds potentially incapable of rational thought, social costs, etc.