I see you have a lot of beef with Discovery Institute, dude they are just presenting arguments/hypotheses, valid ones that is, so engage them in civilized and open debate, that's the only way you can make them go away and win folks over, by evidence and substance, not by intimidation/persecution and discrimination.
And the reason they are appealing to me because they explain their arguments in lay man's terms and not in condescending way, ordinary people could understand it, and they don't usually throw gibberish technical terms that would leave the readers confused and then just summarize it as something to the effect of "because we said so, therefore you have to believe it". So, to answer your question, I would say I have general/lay man's knowledge (not in-depth), and as I have mentioned before I am no scientist but I do have an engineering background, and as I have repeatedly said before I am no expert on these subjects, just a messenger I guess...so don't shoot the messenger.
So you have your own critique, that is great and I would love to see you (being a scientist yourself as you claim) publish your own review and engage Dr. Behe himself.
valid ones ..... to you
by evidence and substance..........not at all
ordinary people could understand it, and they don't usually throw gibberish technical terms that would leave the readers confused............yes that's their strenght, that people not understanding what it is talked about swallow easy wording. You know what it has a name : populism
I have general/lay man's knowledge (not in-depth), and as I have mentioned before I am no scientist but I do have an engineering background, and as I have repeatedly said before I am no expert on these subjects, just a messenger I guess...so don't shoot the messenger.
Good. So you won't see me challenging you in your field. As for the rest, you may be the messenger but the message is corrupted.
So you have your own critique, that is great and I would love to see you (being a scientist yourself as you claim) publish your own review and engage Dr. Behe himself.
Well no matter what i say, given that your idea is already adamantly forged and that Behe 's words are God's words (pun intended) it would be a loss of time.
However it is 12;30 PM, i have 30 min to lose so here we go
This part in the article you quoted previously in particular :
I will pass over other controversies involving the other irreducibly complex systems that Behe describes in
Darwin’s Black Box, and move on. Behe’s next book,
The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism, was published in 2008. In it, he explores the subject of his postdoctoral work, malaria.
Malaria is a dreadful disease, and the parasite that causes it is very good at evading anti-malarial drugs. The drug chloroquine, however, had a longer run of effectiveness than any other. Behe said that because of the number of malarial parasites in the human population, if all it took for a parasite to develop resistance to a certain medication were one mutation, such resistance would develop quickly. But if two mutations were required, it would take decades. And that is how long it took for chloroquine resistance to develop. Behe predicted that when the molecular basis for the resistance was discovered, it would be shown that two mutations were responsible.
He was right. A paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which he quotes, says:
is laughable to the core. Bad luck it is much more my field of expertise as parasitologist than any other thing
point 1- what has it to do with the flagellum debate ? On a exam copy it would have been called off topic. It seems to be here only to put Behe on a pedestal
point 2-the link between the two parts in bold is BS. It is typical of the junk posted on the sites you like to quote. They make from a specific case a generality. Yes,
one resistance mechanism to CQ need two cumulative separate mutations to appear. Unfortunately for the writer, CQ resistance is more complex than that, can appear through single occuring mutations in the gene encoding for the drug target protein (From memory, there are 23 or 25 points mutations possible in this gene), can appear through a single mutation in the untranslated area of the same gene or can appear through mutations on none target genes (detox pumps for example).
Some have more probabilities than others
3- i ll avoid to point all others approximations and nitpicking in the text. It is a classical way of dealing with things by neocreationnist (well explained in the text i quoted 2 or 3 previous posts)
We can assume than Behe himself didn't approved this article and that its author (Ann Gauger) is the only responsible for the fraudulent wording. I hope so because otherwise, Behe he would be a disgrace as a scientist but also a fraud. Let's guve him the doubt benefits on this. People are not responsible for their groupies deeds
In any case, you can jump against the wall as much as you want, but his work after 1998 is less than wonderful. I'll grant you however that he has published (in peer review , so it goes also against your melodramatic accusations of witch-hunt) a few papers
Addressing cumulative selection
Results of Nowak and collaborators concerning the onset of cancer due to the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes give the distribution of the time until some individual in a population has experienced two prespecified mutations and the time until this mutant phenotype becomes fixed in the...
Gene duplication is thought to be a major source of evolutionary innovation because it allows one copy of a gene to mutate and explore genetic space while the other copy continues to fulfill the original function. Models of the process often implicitly assume that a single mutation to the...
Adaptive evolution can cause a species to gain, lose, or modify a function; therefore, it is of basic interest to determine whether any of these modes dominates the evolutionary process under particular circumstances. Because mutation occurs at the molecular level, it is necessary to examine the...
Read them, they are of better quality than the junk you quote from the site you use as a main source of discussion