On the contrary, none of these creationists are saying that belief=science, what they are actually saying is that the historical facts written in the Bible are supported by science through their research and studies, and these studies were conducted using the same scientific methods being employed by secular scientists.
I never claimed expertise in the field of science (or in mutations for that matter), that is the reason why my rebuttals are quoted from or have links with articles from creationists who did the study themselves. And it is not my intention to promote my credibility here in this forum, I am just presenting the side of these Christian scientists who spent their precious time, resources and energy (despite all the persecutions and hostility from their secular peers) conducting scientific study and research to validate the truth that is written in the Bible, I guess for the benefit of the believers to strengthen their faith further.
Few points : there are few studies from few scholars trying to see if what is written in the Bible has historical basis and it is done by science methods: a few examples
Trying to see if the Divine flood happened. Yes a massive flood happened at the same period of the writing of few religious texts that served as basis for the Talmud which itself served as basis for the Bible.
Other example: the plagues of Egypt probably linked to the massive eruption of Thera.
Or experimental archeology that tried to reconstitute the Noah arch.
For all those there are physical evidences.
For the Creation i.e a superior being creating man as his image, there are none.
Because the presupposition there is a superior being cannot be demonstrated, no matter you wrap your demonstration with "science" methods which in fact are not science but a way to push a personal agenda.
Again and for the last time, evolution is a fact, continental drift is a fact, the age of Earth is a fact and existence of various Homo species branch is a fact. All those fact are in contradiction if you believe literaly in what is written in the Bible.
That's definitively the difference between belief and scientificaly proven facts
Now of course some scientists believe in God and this is not incompatible if you accept that what is written in the Bible is figured, not literal.
But for those believing literaly inthe texts, they cannot be called scientists because go against hundred of scientific facts in several fields like geology, paleontology, biology, astronomy etc....